The budget at the time of Cricket, on welfare reform at the time of Cricket, the Democratic Party at the time of Cricket. Reopen this blog trying to talk politics after a month of vacation (from blogs, not from work) and let Grillo would be impossible because most of the pd, the single party of the center and the red thing was his "policy" in recent weeks. The financial
. Of course there is the house, the tax reduction for businesses, but above all there is cost-cutting policy. The measure - has admitted Prodi - was so driven by Quelch put strong pressure on the parties by Grillo, an even stronger pressure of the book "La Casta" Stella and Rizzo.
Welfare. We much to discuss pensions and steps, but the real weakness of welfare reform is on precarious work where the Prodi government was well below what was promised during the election campaign. Cricket, for its part, had been one of the first to denounce the scandal of insecurity in the "modern slaves".
The party demcratico. next weekend to vote. The trio BiVeLe (bindi, Veltroni, read) is threatened with a beating. Few people go to vote, certainly less than what Prodi chose. If Veltroni then went below 70%, the PD would suffer a defeat, perhaps permanently. Grillo gloats, prepare the civic lists (another party, basically) and fishing the agonies of the Union. Other
that Berlusconi-Veltroni. At the next election the dream clash Cricket Buzzanca . How do you want a smart country. As smart as the kid that wore a nother day in subway sweatshirt with "Executioner who spring."
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