Friday, November 2, 2007

How To Unlock The Suitcase Number

Romanians, European Series B

There is one thing more horrible killing of Giovanna Reggiani: the decree on security. As usual when the square shouting, comes form an emergency government decree.

Since yesterday the prefects have acquired the power to expel "for reasons of public safety" Community citizens "have undermined the protection of human dignity or the fundamental rights of the person or public safety." An ad hoc measure the emotional wave of a heinous crime.

One small step for sicuerzza, a big step back for Europe. One small step for safety because the prior DETECTION citizens is a dangerous folly to apply. A big step backwards for Europe because it would be like if I was, but who are resident live in Milan could be expelled from Lombardy and sent in my plains to graze cows.

The fact is that today goes by the notion that we are all Europeans, but if you are Romania, Roma, Slavic or Eastern him you're a little 'less.


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