22.04.2007 22.04.2008 ---
It 's been a year since you left. A busy year of changes, activities and emotions. All played, played and tested this with a vacuum. All you have known and appreciated, from one year to live in an oxymoron. Your absence is present. To make you relive every day we are your smiles, your laughter coarse, your stones, your bricks, your tools with over L. As if we forget. A few days after your death (in your case it is impossible to speak of death, let me), I've heard in a bar, among many other bullshit that usually feel the bar is serious, raw, real, a phrase that sums up the thought of all: "'n pasar amu from temp Prum ca n'aftru Luca 's understood' n Pinzolo. And so ... that tell you? They stole tools in the yard. In Nambrone. So what would you say, and correct me if I'm wrong, "the dis tant from tarugn but Pinzolo Je PEC is worth a star who shore me the screwdriver goes beyond the wasp .... lazarugn"
Giusto ? How many do you Boti gh'รจ Rasen.
ah, yes.
If you find where you are now in charge of the weather, just a courtesy to your colleagues. Evening water.
Thank Sciau
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