Hello Dear, I'm back with you.
Report fast ... finished to go with the cats I have started the construction work ... very happy, I began to be sick of snow. In fact, I'll take this day April 20 in that of Nambrone.
Periodo tranzollo, sono andato a due concerti molto belli Gianna Nannini (per le mie donne, zie, sorelle, mamme ...) e Mark Knopfler. Stupendi, veramente coinvolgenti. Ovviamente Knopfler (Dire Straits) era per me più importante. Grandioso... Mia sorella e la Miky mi hanno detto che sembravo un bambino a Gardaland... in Sultans of swing e Brothers in Arms avevo il pel de galina... bellissime anche Postcard from Paraguay, la mia preferita del penultimo album, poi What it is, Romeo and Giuliet e le altre del nuovo album Kill to Get Crimson (leggero, molto bello). La compagnia era ottima (Fabio, Bruna, Maddalena, Edmond e Moglie, Beatrice e Miky) ed è risultata una serata indimenticabile.
past Saturday to do scans of old photos. Situations, moments, memories ... my honda CR, my ex-girlfriend (for the first are still mad the Boci, the second hour goes mad for something I'm missing ... Boci ...), my little dog, I am in uniform The Bea riding, my grandmother ... Truly beautiful and moving. I enclose what is the photo taken during a lunch in Val Genova with my mom, my brother, Roby, the Bea and James the day when we went to the home loan. (Panet co-celebrating 'the sausage) and' day was one of the most intense of my life.
eeeeh ... already already already (in the words of Alfred in Happy Days)
also enclose photos of MK
which You can enjoy here: http://video. google.it / videoplay? docid =- 3501038103350036165 & q = + Sultans of Swing + & total = 2233 & start = 0 & num = 10 & so = 0 & type = search & plindex = 2 & hl = en or here : http://video.google.it/videoplay?docid=-7813072331831929797&q=Brothers+in+arms&total=5700&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex = 0 & hl = en or here: http://video.google.it/videoplay?docid=1220699314284233040&q=postcard+from+paraguay&total=34&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search & ; plindex = 0 & hl = en
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