Selvas Blog - Obama two-faced: hard with Tripoli, compliant with the king of Bahrain
Selvas Blog - Obama two-faced: hard with Tripoli, compliant with the king of Bahrain
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
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Serafino Missoni: Enrico Mattei, oil and Arab riots
Serafino Missoni is an extraordinary Italian professor, retired, who on a daily basis, by three years, placed her on its website a video of about half an hour. In an ironic way, sometimes irreverent, but with a simple and accessible language to explain all the important events in the world. His motto: Who does not know history are destined to relive it, namely to examine the present is necessary to know the past. Absolute truth! Invitation to view il suo video odierno su Enrico Mattei ed i fatti di Libia. Una ennesima straordinaria lezione di storia (Attilio Folliero, Caracas, 27/02/2011).
Buy Shipping Containers Philippines
Three vignettes of Enzo Apicella
Mercenaries Berlusconi
Propongo tre vignette di Enzo Apicella, un "grande vecchio", un italiano vicino ai novant'anni che dalla sua residenza di Londra, guarda i grandi avvenimenti e li sintetizza in una vignetta che quotidianamente offre a tutti noi dal suo sito .
Mercenaries Berlusconi
150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy
How To Put Bed Valance
Selvas Blog: Obama two-faced: hard with Tripoli, compliant with the king of Bahrain
Selvas Blog: Obama two-faced: hard with Tripoli, compliant with the king of Bahrain
Selvas Blog: Obama two-faced: hard with Tripoli, compliant with the king of Bahrain
Congratulations Clipart
Selvas Blog: Italy-Venezuela: Relations excellent bargains
Selvas Blog: Italy-Venezuela: Relations excellent bargains
Selvas Blog: Italy-Venezuela: Relations excellent bargains
Saturday, February 26, 2011
What Color Goes With Burgandy
27/02/1989: El Caracazo, the masacre de un pueblo
Among responsible for this massacre, still seeking justice, is an unworthy Italian-Venezuelan Defence Minister then, Italo del Valle Alliegro. An Italian scorn and indignation for the Italian community, and a few are like.
None of those responsible for this massacre has been condemned, and Carlos Andres Perez, the President, or his minister more involved, the Minister of Defence, the Italian-Venezuelan Italo del Valle Alliegro, there are just milatares only seven have been held accountable and no one doing time.
know, it is very likely that these miserable, these cowards can order slaughter of men and women who simply claimed the government's imposition of a package of starvation, never pay with jail and die without going through the justice of men. They may be other Pinochet and who will die of old age. It is possible, it is almost certain, because Venezuela is the rule of impunity. Slaughter, missing coup, an embassy siege, closure of television by coup, oil coup ... Venezuelan justice has never been able to find a responsible person. None has been paid, all names you know, everybody knows the perpetrators of these criminal events but never a Venezuelan court has been able to send to jail one of these parties that impunity walk the streets of Caracas and other cities in the world.
also recall the criminal role of the media at the time: by the television, radio, newspapers, which are themselves responsible for the April coup, the oil shock of the lies of today , February 27 that did not report anything. Transmitted cartoons. Venezuelans covering events for media corporations. Were these international media who reported what was happening, the police went house to house in the poorest neighborhoods Caracas and without a word, without asking or the name of these, simply shot and killed. Thousands of bodies were piled up in the barrios of El Valle, Petare, which were then collected by the military and Nipple in mass graves. Thousands of missing are demanding justice. Years later, in one of the most famous graves, called The Plague, they found hundreds of bodies. This means that in any other countries had been closed for many years, still transmitting and lying with impunity.
Documental COTRAIN sobre el Caracazo - Parte 2/5
Duration 1:32
COTRAIN on Documentary Caracazo - Part 4 / 5
Duración 02:23
Lloviznando Cantos
A February 27, 1989
Attilio Folliero, Caracas 27 / 02/2007 - Photo: Frasso, 27/02/1989
El pueblo venezolano, ha sido el primero en el mundo, que ha salido a la calle al enfrentar con sus vidas las medidas neoliberales impuestas por el Fondo Monetario Internacional. Cifras extraoficiales hablan de miles de muertos; nunca se aclaró el número exacto. Uno de los responsable, junto al presidente Carlos Andrés Pérez, el ministro de la defensa, el italo-venezolano Italo Del Valle Alliegro, una vergüenza para todo el pueblo italiano y para la humanidad entera. Ninguno de los responsables ha pagado con la cárcel.
El 27 de febrero del 1989 una gran protesta popular en contra de las medidas neoliberales del Gobierno Carlos Andres Perez term repressed in blood. Thousands dead, thousands of Venezuelans were killed by the police and military repression. Thousands of men, women, children died just to look out the window to see what was happening on the street. The police fired at the windows, no mercy.
El 27 de febrero del 1989 una gran protesta popular en contra de las medidas neoliberales del Gobierno Carlos Andres Perez term repressed in blood. Thousands dead, thousands of Venezuelans were killed by the police and military repression. Thousands of men, women, children died just to look out the window to see what was happening on the street. The police fired at the windows, no mercy.
never knew exactly how many were dead. Thousands of men, women and children who simply claimed their right to have a piece of bread, corn bread, a plate of pasta.
Among responsible for this massacre, still seeking justice, is an unworthy Italian-Venezuelan Defence Minister then, Italo del Valle Alliegro. An Italian scorn and indignation for the Italian community, and a few are like.
None of those responsible for this massacre has been condemned, and Carlos Andres Perez, the President, or his minister more involved, the Minister of Defence, the Italian-Venezuelan Italo del Valle Alliegro, there are just milatares only seven have been held accountable and no one doing time.
know, it is very likely that these miserable, these cowards can order slaughter of men and women who simply claimed the government's imposition of a package of starvation, never pay with jail and die without going through the justice of men. They may be other Pinochet and who will die of old age. It is possible, it is almost certain, because Venezuela is the rule of impunity. Slaughter, missing coup, an embassy siege, closure of television by coup, oil coup ... Venezuelan justice has never been able to find a responsible person. None has been paid, all names you know, everybody knows the perpetrators of these criminal events but never a Venezuelan court has been able to send to jail one of these parties that impunity walk the streets of Caracas and other cities in the world.
also recall the criminal role of the media at the time: by the television, radio, newspapers, which are themselves responsible for the April coup, the oil shock of the lies of today , February 27 that did not report anything. Transmitted cartoons. Venezuelans covering events for media corporations. Were these international media who reported what was happening, the police went house to house in the poorest neighborhoods Caracas and without a word, without asking or the name of these, simply shot and killed. Thousands of bodies were piled up in the barrios of El Valle, Petare, which were then collected by the military and Nipple in mass graves. Thousands of missing are demanding justice. Years later, in one of the most famous graves, called The Plague, they found hundreds of bodies. This means that in any other countries had been closed for many years, still transmitting and lying with impunity.
The testimony of Cecilia Laya
tells us and shows us those terrible days, when leaving his workplace at The California had to walk home in La Candelaria, then the desperation to live there with others from running for a place to protect the National Guard fired without control, then to eat and shops on closed their doors. In those days he had to take food by force with the people that were there in the same situation. There was no other choice: looting and starvation (in the literal sense of the word) the proletariat is faced with the need. By then it was a girl.
Román Chalbaud director has made a film about the Caracazo. The film received the Special Jury Prize at the International Festival of Latin American Cinema in Trieste (Italy) in 2006.
Documentaries understand Caracazo
A follow several documentaries about the fact of the Caracazo, the popular revolt against the International Monetary Fund measures implemented by the government of Carlos Andrés Pérez :
- Documentary Cotrain on Caracazo, the work of Liliane Blaser ( in 5 parts)
- Caracazo left
version - The Song of Songs drizzling "A February 27, 1989"
- Program co-finance "on February 27
Documental COTRAIN sobre el Caracazo - Parte 1/5
Duración 03:35
Documental COTRAIN sobre el Caracazo - Parte 2/5
Duración 01:32
Documental COTRAIN sobre Caracazo - Part 3 / 5
Duration 1:32
COTRAIN on Documentary Caracazo - Part 4 / 5
Duration 4:00
COTRAIN Documentary sobre el Caracazo - Parte 5/5
Duración 02:23
Caracazo versión de izquierda
Duración 09:37
Lloviznando Cantos
A February 27, 1989
Duration 4:12
"The Caracazo" popular revolt against the International Monetary Fund measures implemented by the government of Carlos Andrés Pérez
"In co-finances" on February 27
To understand the history
To understand the history
Duration 03:19
Chinese Walnut Chicken
TO TINDARI ten stories in teatro_presentazione Wed March 2 h 18
Wednesday, March 2 18:00
presentation of the book
Towards Tindari
ten stories to the theater
will present the authors
GIOVANNA GIORDANA and Giuseppe Mazzoni
the publisher OTTAVIO NAVARRA
What happens if ten writers allow themselves to be captivated by a unique and timeless?
What suggestions and narrative paths can evoke an ancient Sicilian theater?
How can you talk to antiquity and modernity into a single common thread?
Towards Tindari - Ten stories in the theater "
(Navarra editor) is an anthology of short stories inspired by the magnificent scenery of the Greek-Roman Theatre of Tindari, written by many authors in Sicily, and tells of a mirror and references born in May last year, as they went on stage "Electra" and "The Trojan Women ".
Authors: Roberto Alajmo, Laura Ring, James Hunter, Joan Giordano, Anna Mallamo, Serena Manfrè, Joseph Mazzone, Gery Mansion, Ubaldo Emery, Salvo Toscano. Mariella Pagliaro editor of Navarra Editore. The ten authors in Sicily, all of the same generation, but different in language, education and geographic origin (Messina, Catania and Palermo, cities each with its own, meaningful, cultural background) were invited to the cycle of classical theater, the combination of the two Seas stages for ten years at the ancient theater of Tindari, and create a story inspired by that experience. The result of this literary project, born to play the tenth anniversary of the Association, is enclosed in this book that tells a unanimous view "timeless" in Sicily.
presentation of the book
Towards Tindari
ten stories to the theater
will present the authors
GIOVANNA GIORDANA and Giuseppe Mazzoni
the publisher OTTAVIO NAVARRA
What happens if ten writers allow themselves to be captivated by a unique and timeless?
What suggestions and narrative paths can evoke an ancient Sicilian theater?
How can you talk to antiquity and modernity into a single common thread?
Towards Tindari - Ten stories in the theater "
(Navarra editor) is an anthology of short stories inspired by the magnificent scenery of the Greek-Roman Theatre of Tindari, written by many authors in Sicily, and tells of a mirror and references born in May last year, as they went on stage "Electra" and "The Trojan Women ".
Authors: Roberto Alajmo, Laura Ring, James Hunter, Joan Giordano, Anna Mallamo, Serena Manfrè, Joseph Mazzone, Gery Mansion, Ubaldo Emery, Salvo Toscano. Mariella Pagliaro editor of Navarra Editore. The ten authors in Sicily, all of the same generation, but different in language, education and geographic origin (Messina, Catania and Palermo, cities each with its own, meaningful, cultural background) were invited to the cycle of classical theater, the combination of the two Seas stages for ten years at the ancient theater of Tindari, and create a story inspired by that experience. The result of this literary project, born to play the tenth anniversary of the Association, is enclosed in this book that tells a unanimous view "timeless" in Sicily.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Terrasil Max Does It Work
UK first purchaser of U.S. debt
The crisis in the United Kingdom does not stop financing U.S. debt. Albion steals to his people to finance the U.S..
The UK has a huge debitopubblico so must resort to austerity measures to try to reduce it otentare to grow again, cuts in public spending, raising del'etàpensionistica, congelamento degli stipendi, incremento delle tasse,licenziamenti e privatizzazione di quanto è possibile privatizzare. La solitaricetta neo-liberista. Il BIS, Bank International for settlement, calcola ( 2 ) che entro la fine di questo decennioil debito pubblico del Regno Unito raggiungerà il 200% del suo PIL; nei paesiricchi solo il Giappone avrà un debito superiore al Regno Unito, col 300%;paesi come Italia, Francia, Germani e Grecia si ritroveranno con debiti pubblici intorno al 150% del PIL. Ovviamente, amaggior debito corrisponde un maggiore esborso di interessi.
Attilio Folliero, 24/02/2011

IlRegno Kingdom is experiencing a severe economic downturn like everyone else paesioccidentali highly indebted. In the European ranking of countries with the average per capita altoreddito occupies the twelfth place, with € 32,890, superatarecentemente Italy, which has an average per capita income of € 35,390; neda news on "The Economist of London (1 ), a magazine known anti Italian, at least a decade fortementeimpegnato to speak ill of Italy.
The UK has a huge debitopubblico so must resort to austerity measures to try to reduce it otentare to grow again, cuts in public spending, raising del'etàpensionistica, congelamento degli stipendi, incremento delle tasse,licenziamenti e privatizzazione di quanto è possibile privatizzare. La solitaricetta neo-liberista. Il BIS, Bank International for settlement, calcola ( 2 ) che entro la fine di questo decennioil debito pubblico del Regno Unito raggiungerà il 200% del suo PIL; nei paesiricchi solo il Giappone avrà un debito superiore al Regno Unito, col 300%;paesi come Italia, Francia, Germani e Grecia si ritroveranno con debiti pubblici intorno al 150% del PIL. Ovviamente, amaggior debito corrisponde un maggiore esborso di interessi.
Eppure, malgrado le previsioni del BIS, uno deipricipali attori del capitalismo mondiale, assieme al FMI, al Banco Mondiale,alla Federal Reserve ed alla Banca Centrale Europea, malgrado le misure diausterità già annunciate dal governo di Sua Maestà, il Regno Unito continua afinanziare ed in maniera crescente il debito pubblico statunitense, comemostrano chiaramente i dati del debito Estero USA, pubblicati dal TesoroUSA ( 3 ).
Il debito pubblico statunitense, alla fine del 2010 ha superato i 14.000miliardi di dollari ( 4 ), e sembra cheil debito possa condurre gli USA alla bancarotta ( 5 ). C’è da notare, che mentre le banche di Wall Strett (6 ) are decreasing possession dititoli U.S. Treasury (citing as an excuse that the significant miglioramentodell'economia U.S. forces not to take refuge in treasury bonds) increases the foreign debt.
In 2010 the external debt increased U.S. del18, 44%, or 680.90000000000, going from 2009 to the 3691.70000000000 4372.60000000000 dollars by the end of 2010. China is the country that continues adetener the bulk of these titles, with 891.60000000000, 883.60000000000 davantial Japan and the United Kingdom with 541.30000000000, followed: the group of oil exporting countries, which together account 218miliardi, and Brazil, the central banks of some countries dell'Americacaraibica, Hong Kong, Canda, Taiwan, Russia and Switzerland, all over 100miliardi.
E 'should be noted, however profondicambiamenti in place: while China, which has slightly reduced the holding of securities (-3.2 billion) and Russia has declined sharply, by 25% ownership of U.S. securities rispettoall'anno previous, other countries have increased strongly and the investimentiin U.S. securities. In particular, the Canada has increased its investments in securities USA di oltre 80 miliardi (+154 %ripsetto all’anno precedente), la Tailandia quasi del 100%, Singapore del 78%,la Norvegia del 67%, la Danimarca e Israele del 50%, la Germania del 30%. Danotare come l’ Egitto , un paese congrossi problemi economici, con rivolte interne ed una povertà diffusa ha aumentatodi oltre 11 miliardi il suo possesso di titoli USA, il che significa un aumentatopercentuale del 60%, rispetto all’anno precedente. Un altro dato che emerge èquello delle Banche centrali di alcunipaesi del Caribe (Bahamas, Bermuda, Isole Cayman, Antille Olandesi, Panamae Isole Vergini Britanniche) che hanno aumentato gli investimenti in titoli USAdi ben 27 miliardi, con un 20% increase compared to precdente; quirisulta clear that U.S. meddling in the area, with the coup inHonduras and the increase of U.S. bases in many countries of the plane haanche the purpose of encouraging those countries to "help" U.S. momentodel in need, that cover the debt.
The most glaring and obvious case, however, is the United Kingdom, a country in crisis to cope with large stafacendo austerity policies, but other latoaumenta eneormemente aiutro to the USA. In short, the Government of Albion staletteralmente squeezing and robbing the people of England to find soldinecessari to finance the U.S. debt without end. The United Kingdom negliultimi 12 months has moved to the U.S. in the form of purchases of securities deldebito public, well 361 billion, an increase in the possession of such titolidel 200% over the previous year. Basically, the U.S. external debt has increased-comevisto-680.90000000000, the United Kingdom has covered more than half of this front needs, 53%. There is no more evident because of how the government is stealing from their people diAlbione to finance the debt hole without fondodel USA.
1) Data of The Economist, riportatiin Finanzalive, Url:
3) External Debt in U.S. sitodel U.S. Treasury, after consultation, Url: ; Consultato in data 18/02/2011
4) Debito pubblico Usaaggiornato giornalmente, Url:
5) Vedasi nostro articolo “GliUsa verso la bancarotta”, url:
6) Bloomberg , 10/01/2011
Master Lock Combination Recovery Instructions
CINECENA film with gusto - February 28 Oth
Cinecena film tastefully
Monday, February 28
Othello by Orson Welles. With Orson Welles, Micheál MacLiammóir, Suzanne Cloutier. 91 min, France / Italy / Morocco / USA, 1952.
; ;
The famous story of the Moor of Venice, said in a perfect, burning passion, blinding jealousy, envy and evil machinations groundwater. After a very long and troubled process, a dazzling example of expressionist cinema and art, thanks to a mounting and a firework display staged constantly changing and enhancing the value to acting sober and restrained.
Grand Prix for best film at Cannes in 1952.
Please remember to book well in advance, and only by phone at 095/7152603 promptly communicate any cancellations.
entry includes
movie + dinner € 10.00
unique show at 20.30
booking is recommended
screenings will be held at the premises of
Tertulia coffee / library
Cinecena film tastefully
Monday, February 28
Othello by Orson Welles. With Orson Welles, Micheál MacLiammóir, Suzanne Cloutier. 91 min, France / Italy / Morocco / USA, 1952.
; ;
The famous story of the Moor of Venice, said in a perfect, burning passion, blinding jealousy, envy and evil machinations groundwater. After a very long and troubled process, a dazzling example of expressionist cinema and art, thanks to a mounting and a firework display staged constantly changing and enhancing the value to acting sober and restrained.
Grand Prix for best film at Cannes in 1952.
Please remember to book well in advance, and only by phone at 095/7152603 promptly communicate any cancellations.
entry includes
movie + dinner € 10.00
unique show at 20.30
booking is recommended
screenings will be held at the premises of
Tertulia coffee / library
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IMAGO / paintings 2011 Grozdana TILOTTA_inaugurazione shows Sat February 26
Saturday, February 26 hours 20
inaugurazione della mostra
paintings 2011
di Grozdana Tilotta
Il cinema, la fotografia ed i mass media ci hanno
molto aiutato nel processo di creazione
dell’immaginario collettivo.
Gods, saints and demons, kings and queens, heroes and warriors, animals or
deformed monsters have accompanied us as
ghosts in our lifetime.
Depictions of something or someone you love, you
fear or hate, he loves you or wants to destroy,
images that act like gates between
imaginary world, lanes
annihilate distances and overcome the barriers that we
separate from our ghosts.
This body of work is therefore to be understood
as a tribute to the human capacity to create
reflections of themselves, thus increasing our
chance to dream .
Grozdana Tilotta
molto aiutato nel processo di creazione
dell’immaginario collettivo.
Gods, saints and demons, kings and queens, heroes and warriors, animals or
deformed monsters have accompanied us as
ghosts in our lifetime.
Depictions of something or someone you love, you
fear or hate, he loves you or wants to destroy,
images that act like gates between
imaginary world, lanes
annihilate distances and overcome the barriers that we
separate from our ghosts.
This body of work is therefore to be understood
as a tribute to the human capacity to create
reflections of themselves, thus increasing our
chance to dream .
Grozdana Tilotta
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Best Vintage Polaroid Camera
The Music Within - GIUSEPPE MIRABELLA TRIO MOODS - Thursday, February 24
coffee / library Tertulia
goblet of wine (or beverage of your choice)
booking is recommended
coffee / library Tertulia
Music Inside
every Thursday at 21
Music Inside
every Thursday at 21
strictly live!
Thursday, February 24
Giuseppe Mirabella trio MOODS
Giuseppe Mirabella : guitar
Angelo Cultreri : Hammond organ
Fabrizio Giambanco : battery
MOODS is an art project in which elements of their African-American jazz tradition combine with a lyrical component and a more typically European sense of rhythm that draws directly from funk, rock and pop. The music, featuring a fresh and modern sounds, flowing through a path where each track is interpreted with a mood, as unique as extemporaneous, which arises from the continuous dialogue between the musicians.
concert + € 6.00
booking is recommended
Monday, February 21, 2011
How Long Can A Sausage Sit Out
New York Times: American shame (shame U.S.)
Attilio Folliero, Caracas, 21/02/2005
“Americanshame” (Shame the U.S.) has titled the New York Times , an article on a comparison deiprincipali social indicators, including the most developed countries in the world. After averconfrontato the Gini index, which measures inequality, the rate didisoccupazione, the level of democracy, the global index of well-being of Gallup, food insecurity, life expectancy at birth, the percentage cast of jail and students' performance, both in mathematical and scientific leconoscenze, concluded that for now americanisiamo shame, because in all these indicators, occupanoposizoni of reinforcement, if not the latest posts. We come from aggiungereanche "Shame Italian, since Italy is not that much better degliUSA; enough to note the poor performance of Italian students. And coseovviamente will get worse! With the "cuts" to the universities that there is a future daaspettarsi worst, even a country without a university has no future. See all the data .
Razer Carcharias Or Astro A40
Gadafi-Venezuela : denied the presence in Venezuela
Source: Selvas
Libya and Cyrenaica endemic separatism. Gaddafi is not in Venezuela
Italian media multiply and overlap the news, with a dramatic sequence "in crescendo" which were not supported by the rest of the European press nor from organizations such as Human Rights Watch . The TG-Rai -as-dozers s ono ye say come to the news of drain Gaddafi in Venezuela (sic).! false, but recovery from the rest of the press Atlanticist greedily, eager to kill two birds with one stone. These same sources report the presence in Venezuela is also the monarch of Bahren, leaders of Yemen and-why not-even the revived Mubarak (or its mummy?). In Libya there is an ongoing attempt to secede from Cyrenaica : third episode separatist Libyan endemic in this region conflict with Tripoli. Third time in 15 years. This time, led by Deputy Commander of the General Staff added El Arab, which link the United States and NATO. A secessionist movement that has little to do with the popular uprisings and mass-Pacific - taking place in Egypt or Tunisia. Libya is in the course of an armed uprising military units, that 'Atlanticist media hegemony-especially in Italy- trying to assimilate the wave of renewal Arab .
At the same time, absolute silence sull'estendersi popular initiative in the Kingdom of Morocco and in the Fifth Fleet headquarters Bahren-USA-mutism and the continuation of strikes in Egypt and Morocco.
But it's really too much to try to pass off a military revolt separatist per quello che assolutamente non è . Lasciamo la parola allo storico A. Del Boca intervistato da Giulietto Chiesa.
Tommaso Di Francesco , www.ilmanifesto.i t
At the same time, absolute silence sull'estendersi popular initiative in the Kingdom of Morocco and in the Fifth Fleet headquarters Bahren-USA-mutism and the continuation of strikes in Egypt and Morocco.
But it's really too much to try to pass off a military revolt separatist per quello che assolutamente non è . Lasciamo la parola allo storico A. Del Boca intervistato da Giulietto Chiesa.
Tommaso Di Francesco , www.ilmanifesto.i t
Le notizie che arrivano parlano di un paese spaccato in due, anche l'esercito e i «comitati rivoluzionari» sarebbero divisi, la Cirenaica con le città di al Bayda, Bengasi, Tobruk is in the hands of the insurgents. The situation seems to fall and the victims are almost a hundred ...
Yes, precipitates. But as you said rightly, the country is split in two. For the Cyrenaica was already possible to predict a riot. It is not the first time it happened in 2006 for the provocation of anti-Islam "our" Minister Calderoli and it must be said that, at least in the last 15 years we are the third uprising. In 1996 fact we never knew the number of victims, only thousands were arrested, but then stepped in the Islamist insurgency against the army, air force and navy that fired Green Mountain, the only presence of mountain symbol of the hero Omar al Muhtar. Can not underestimate the influence is still strong in Cyrenaica the historic political and religious confraternity of Senoussi.
So according to you, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi does not go forward ...
No, because the same family as Gaddafi is broken in two. A division that is almost a resource.
There is a possibility that this conflict will open the doors of power to Seif al Islam, Gaddafi's son who has been working to reform the constitution and the Libyan who has treated for the release from prison of hundreds of fundamentalists?
on this would go a bit 'calmly. Speaking of children, I remember that on the one hand there are Khamis who is the head of these battalions of security, then that would be the praetorian guard of the regime, and Motassem, who was also involved in the military, both in favor of Gaddafi and his now staunch defenders, at any cost, as understood by the events of Benghazi and Beida, where there was just Khamis. On the other hand, we Seif al Islam, which in this situation did not make specific statements, but from what we know is the one who gives information about what's going on. And certainly that is the only ha fatto liberare negli ultimi mesi centinaia di integralisti islamici di Bengasi. Che aveva liberato a condizione che loro, in un certo senso, si pentissero, ammettessero il loro errore e non tornassero più a fare operazioni di carattere violento. Ripeto che in questi ultimi mesi e giorni, è l'unico che dà informazioni su quello che accade.
In questo momento il mondo occidentale, quello che ha interessi strategici fondamentali in Libia, sembra molto preoccupato. Non parliamo solo dell'Italia, con l'Eni e Finmeccanica, ma anche degli Stati uniti...
Sì, gli Stati uniti da quando hanno deciso con Bush nel 2004 che la Libia non è più uno stato canaglia, sono tornati ormai da sette anni con quattro multinazionali petrolifere ad attingere al petrolio di Tripoli. E gli interessi non sono solo per il petrolio perché i francesi hanno attivato contratti per vendere i loro aerei da combattimento, la Gran Bretagna aveva mandato Tony Blair - che con Seif al Islam risolse anche la vicenda drammatica di Lockerbie - come commesso viaggiatore d'affari. Tutti in fila per vendere forniture. Perché in Libia-Piazza Affari c'è da cambiare tutto: ci sono da costruire aeroporti nuovi, la famosa ferrovia, l'autostrada litoranea dovrà costruirla l'Italia. Come da accordo storico con il quale il governo italiano riconosce le infamie italiane colonialiste e fasciste, per avere in cambio containment - ie new concentration camps - the Maghreb and immigration desperate African interior.
About Italy. How would you rate the statements before the fall of Berlusconi and the bloody repression of the situation: "I called Gadhafi because he does not want to bother"?
is a form of cowardice. By a person who claims to be a "friend and brother," etc.. etc.. and that "he learned the bunga-bunga by him, and so on. etc.. I not only would I phoned, but meanwhile I would have asked what the situation, because his voice would be an authoritative statement. And then I asked to be gracious and try not to cause more blood. Instead "he" does not want to disturb. I do not want to bother because plus is also a coward
Le notizie che arrivano parlano di un paese spaccato in due, anche l'esercito e i «comitati rivoluzionari» sarebbero divisi, la Cirenaica con le città di al Bayda, Bengasi, Tobruk is in the hands of the insurgents. The situation seems to fall and the victims are almost a hundred ...
Yes, precipitates. But as you said rightly, the country is split in two. For the Cyrenaica was already possible to predict a riot. It is not the first time it happened in 2006 for the provocation of anti-Islam "our" Minister Calderoli and it must be said that, at least in the last 15 years we are the third uprising. In 1996 fact we never knew the number of victims, only thousands were arrested, but then stepped in the Islamist insurgency against the army, air force and navy that fired Green Mountain, the only presence of mountain symbol of the hero Omar al Muhtar. Can not underestimate the influence is still strong in Cyrenaica the historic political and religious confraternity of Senoussi.
So according to you, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi does not go forward ...
No, because the same family as Gaddafi is broken in two. A division that is almost a resource.
There is a possibility that this conflict will open the doors of power to Seif al Islam, Gaddafi's son who has been working to reform the constitution and the Libyan who has treated for the release from prison of hundreds of fundamentalists?
on this would go a bit 'calmly. Speaking of children, I remember that on the one hand there are Khamis who is the head of these battalions of security, then that would be the praetorian guard of the regime, and Motassem, who was also involved in the military, both in favor of Gaddafi and his now staunch defenders, at any cost, as understood by the events of Benghazi and Beida, where there was just Khamis. On the other hand, we Seif al Islam, which in this situation did not make specific statements, but from what we know is the one who gives information about what's going on. And certainly that is the only ha fatto liberare negli ultimi mesi centinaia di integralisti islamici di Bengasi. Che aveva liberato a condizione che loro, in un certo senso, si pentissero, ammettessero il loro errore e non tornassero più a fare operazioni di carattere violento. Ripeto che in questi ultimi mesi e giorni, è l'unico che dà informazioni su quello che accade.
In questo momento il mondo occidentale, quello che ha interessi strategici fondamentali in Libia, sembra molto preoccupato. Non parliamo solo dell'Italia, con l'Eni e Finmeccanica, ma anche degli Stati uniti...
Sì, gli Stati uniti da quando hanno deciso con Bush nel 2004 che la Libia non è più uno stato canaglia, sono tornati ormai da sette anni con quattro multinazionali petrolifere ad attingere al petrolio di Tripoli. E gli interessi non sono solo per il petrolio perché i francesi hanno attivato contratti per vendere i loro aerei da combattimento, la Gran Bretagna aveva mandato Tony Blair - che con Seif al Islam risolse anche la vicenda drammatica di Lockerbie - come commesso viaggiatore d'affari. Tutti in fila per vendere forniture. Perché in Libia-Piazza Affari c'è da cambiare tutto: ci sono da costruire aeroporti nuovi, la famosa ferrovia, l'autostrada litoranea dovrà costruirla l'Italia. Come da accordo storico con il quale il governo italiano riconosce le infamie italiane colonialiste e fasciste, per avere in cambio containment - ie new concentration camps - the Maghreb and immigration desperate African interior.
About Italy. How would you rate the statements before the fall of Berlusconi and the bloody repression of the situation: "I called Gadhafi because he does not want to bother"?
is a form of cowardice. By a person who claims to be a "friend and brother," etc.. etc.. and that "he learned the bunga-bunga by him, and so on. etc.. I not only would I phoned, but meanwhile I would have asked what the situation, because his voice would be an authoritative statement. And then I asked to be gracious and try not to cause more blood. Instead "he" does not want to disturb. I do not want to bother because plus is also a coward
Born Blonde Toner Use
Sanremo in times of crisis: 500,000 € to Benigni!
Source: Selvas - Aurora - The nineteenth century
Benigni, a patriot meter: € 500,000 for his partecipaziuone in Sanremo.
I the nineteenth century makes us aware about the cost of exegesis of the hymn Mameli erupted from Roberto Benigni in San Remo, the modest sum of € 500 thousand . See here rates for other guests who enlighten us on the use of public money in times of crisis. Lesson dignity Cuban actor Andy Garcia, an exile in the United States. Two different concepts of patriotism.
I the nineteenth century makes us aware about the cost of exegesis of the hymn Mameli erupted from Roberto Benigni in San Remo, the modest sum of € 500 thousand . See here rates for other guests who enlighten us on the use of public money in times of crisis. Lesson dignity Cuban actor Andy Garcia, an exile in the United States. Two different concepts of patriotism.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Flu Vaccination Negatives
Roberta Flack won the Sanremo Festival 2011
Attilio Folliero, Caracas 19/02/2011
Roberto Vecchioni is the winner of the sixty-first edition of the Sanremo Festival of Italian song.
After the controversy of recent years, when the center of attention were not the songs, but real principles and principles of trash TV, the San Remo this year's edition has returned to work on songs in true sense of the word. Roberto old man, a famous Italian singer, born in 1943, returned to sing on the stage of Sanremo after 38 year absence, won with the song "Call still love "Emma and preceded Modà , came second and Al Bano , the other great Italian artist of this year.
We should add that this year edizone , coinciding with the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy, was characterized by the extraordinary participation of Roberto Benigni, who played Brothers of Italy, the anthem of Italy, not shared by all.
Roberto Benigni sings me laugh
Royal Caribbean Auditions
Sanremo Festival - All winners
Festival di Sanremo (1951-2011)
All winners of the Sanremo Festival, the Festival of Italian song, whose first edition was published in 1951, this year has come to the sixty-first edition. In addition to the list of winners in all editions, after all, you can read the list of-winning. This special list is headed by Domenico Modugno and Claudio Villa, both winners in four editions. See the edition of 2011.
Edizione | Anno | Vincitore | Canzone |
1 | 1951 | Nilla Pizzi | Grazie dei fiori |
2 | 1952 | Nilla Pizzi | Vola colomba |
3 | 1953 | Carla Boni, Flo Sandon's | Avenue Autumn |
4 | 1954 | Giorgio Consolini, Gino Latilla | All mothers |
5 | 1955 | Claudio Villa, Tullio Pane | Hello sadness |
6 | 1956 | Franca Raimondi | Open windows |
7 | 1957 | Claudio Villa, Nunzio Gallo | Corde della mia chitarra |
8 | 1958 | Domenico Modugno, Johnny Dorelli | Nel blu dipinto di blu (Volare) |
9 | 1959 | Domenico Modugno, Johnny Dorelli | Piove (Ciao ciao bambina) |
10 | 1960 | Tony Dallara, Renato Rascel | Romantica |
11 | 1961 | Betty Curtis, Luciano Tajoli | Al di là |
12 | 1962 | Domenico Modugno, Claudio Villa | Addio... addio |
13 | 1963 | Tony Renis, Emilio Pericoli | Uno per tutte |
14 | 1964 | Gigliola Cinquetti, Patricia Carli | is my prayer (To love) |
15 | 1965 | Bobby Solo, New Christy Minstrels | If you cry if you laugh |
16 | 1966 | Domenico Modugno, Gigliola Cinquetti | God how I love you |
17 | 1967 | Claudio Villa, Iva Zanicchi | not think of me |
18 | 1968 | Blanche Dubois, Roberto Carlos Braga | Canzone per te |
19 | 1969 | Bobby Solo, This Mortal Coil | Gypsy |
20 | 1970 | Adriano Celentano, Claudia Mori | who does not work does not make love |
21 | 1971 | Nada, Nicola Di Bari | The heart is a gypsy |
22 | 1972 | Nicola Di Bari (2) | I rainbow days |
23 | 1973 | Pepper | A great love and nothing more |
24 | 1974 | Iva This Mortal Coil (3) | Hello dear how are you? |
25 | 1975 | Gilda | Girl South |
26 | 1976 | Peppino Di Capri (2) | I do not do more |
27 | 1977 | Homo Sapiens | Drop Dead Gorgeous |
28 | 1978 | Matia Bazar | ... and say hello! |
29 | 1979 | Mino Vergnaghi | Amare |
30 | 1980 | Toto Cutugno | Only we |
31 | 1981 | Alice Per Elisa | |
32 | 1982 | Riccardo Fogli | stories every day |
33 | 1983 | Tiziana Rival | that experience |
34 | 1984 | Al Bano, Romina Power | There will |
35 | 1985 | Rich and Poor | If M'innamoro |
36 | 1986 | Eros Ramazzotti | Now you |
37 | 1987 | Gianni Morandi, Enrico Ruggeri and Umberto Tozzi | You can give more |
38 | 1988 | Massimo Ranieri | Losing love |
39 | 1989 | Anna Oxa Fausto Leali | I'll let you |
40 | 1990 | Pooh, Dee Dee Bridgewater | Men only |
41 | 1991 | Riccardo Cocciante, Sarah Jane Morris | If We're together |
42 | 1992 | Luca Barbarossa | Take me dancing |
43 | 1993 | Enrique Iglesias (2) | Mystery |
44 | 1994 | Aleandro Baldi | will pass |
45 | 1995 | Giorgia | know how |
46 | 1996 | Ron, Tosca | I would like to meet you in a hundred years |
47 | 1997 | Jalisse | Rivers of words |
48 | 1998 | Annalisa Minetti | Without you or with you |
49 | 1999 | Anna Oxa | mercilessly |
50 | 2000 | Avion Travel Sentimento | |
51 | 2001 | Elisa | Luce (Tramonti a nord est) |
52 | 2002 | Matia Bazar | Messaggio d'amore |
53 | 2003 | Alexia | Per dire di no |
54 | 2004 | Marco Masini | L'uomo volante |
55 | 2005 | Francesco Renga Angelo | |
56 | 2006 | Povia | I wish I had the beak |
57 | 2007 | Sleeping | will give you a rose |
58 | 2008 | Giò Di Tonno, Lola Ponce | Falling in love |
59 | 2009 | Marco Carta | my strength |
60 | 2010 | Valerio Scanu | For all the times that ... |
61 | 2011 | Roberto Vecchioni | Call still love |
I-winning San Remo
Performer | Wins | Years |
Domenico Modugno | 4 | 1958, 1959, 1962, 1966 |
Claudio Villa | 4 | 1955, 1957, 1962, 1967 |
Mortal Coil | 3 | 1967, 1969, 1974 |
Nilla Pizzi | 2 | 1951, 1952 |
Johnny Dorelli | 2 | 1958, 1959 |
Gigliola Cinquetti | 2 | 1964, 1966 |
Bobby Solo | 2 | 1965, 1969 |
Nicola Di Bari | 2 | 1971, 1972 |
Peppino Di Capri | 2 | 1973, 1976 |
Enrico Ruggeri | 2 | 1987, 1993 |
Anna Oxa | 2 | 1989, 1999 |
Matia Bazar | 2 | 1978, 2002 |
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