Attilio Folliero, Caracas 27 / 02/2007 - Photo: Frasso, 27/02/1989
El pueblo venezolano, ha sido el primero en el mundo, que ha salido a la calle al enfrentar con sus vidas las medidas neoliberales impuestas por el Fondo Monetario Internacional. Cifras extraoficiales hablan de miles de muertos; nunca se aclaró el número exacto. Uno de los responsable, junto al presidente Carlos Andrés Pérez, el ministro de la defensa, el italo-venezolano Italo Del Valle Alliegro, una vergüenza para todo el pueblo italiano y para la humanidad entera. Ninguno de los responsables ha pagado con la cárcel.
El 27 de febrero del 1989 una gran protesta popular en contra de las medidas neoliberales del Gobierno Carlos Andres Perez term repressed in blood. Thousands dead, thousands of Venezuelans were killed by the police and military repression. Thousands of men, women, children died just to look out the window to see what was happening on the street. The police fired at the windows, no mercy.
El 27 de febrero del 1989 una gran protesta popular en contra de las medidas neoliberales del Gobierno Carlos Andres Perez term repressed in blood. Thousands dead, thousands of Venezuelans were killed by the police and military repression. Thousands of men, women, children died just to look out the window to see what was happening on the street. The police fired at the windows, no mercy.
never knew exactly how many were dead. Thousands of men, women and children who simply claimed their right to have a piece of bread, corn bread, a plate of pasta.
Among responsible for this massacre, still seeking justice, is an unworthy Italian-Venezuelan Defence Minister then, Italo del Valle Alliegro. An Italian scorn and indignation for the Italian community, and a few are like.
None of those responsible for this massacre has been condemned, and Carlos Andres Perez, the President, or his minister more involved, the Minister of Defence, the Italian-Venezuelan Italo del Valle Alliegro, there are just milatares only seven have been held accountable and no one doing time.
know, it is very likely that these miserable, these cowards can order slaughter of men and women who simply claimed the government's imposition of a package of starvation, never pay with jail and die without going through the justice of men. They may be other Pinochet and who will die of old age. It is possible, it is almost certain, because Venezuela is the rule of impunity. Slaughter, missing coup, an embassy siege, closure of television by coup, oil coup ... Venezuelan justice has never been able to find a responsible person. None has been paid, all names you know, everybody knows the perpetrators of these criminal events but never a Venezuelan court has been able to send to jail one of these parties that impunity walk the streets of Caracas and other cities in the world.
also recall the criminal role of the media at the time: by the television, radio, newspapers, which are themselves responsible for the April coup, the oil shock of the lies of today , February 27 that did not report anything. Transmitted cartoons. Venezuelans covering events for media corporations. Were these international media who reported what was happening, the police went house to house in the poorest neighborhoods Caracas and without a word, without asking or the name of these, simply shot and killed. Thousands of bodies were piled up in the barrios of El Valle, Petare, which were then collected by the military and Nipple in mass graves. Thousands of missing are demanding justice. Years later, in one of the most famous graves, called The Plague, they found hundreds of bodies. This means that in any other countries had been closed for many years, still transmitting and lying with impunity.
The testimony of Cecilia Laya
tells us and shows us those terrible days, when leaving his workplace at The California had to walk home in La Candelaria, then the desperation to live there with others from running for a place to protect the National Guard fired without control, then to eat and shops on closed their doors. In those days he had to take food by force with the people that were there in the same situation. There was no other choice: looting and starvation (in the literal sense of the word) the proletariat is faced with the need. By then it was a girl.
Román Chalbaud director has made a film about the Caracazo. The film received the Special Jury Prize at the International Festival of Latin American Cinema in Trieste (Italy) in 2006.
Documentaries understand Caracazo
A follow several documentaries about the fact of the Caracazo, the popular revolt against the International Monetary Fund measures implemented by the government of Carlos Andrés Pérez :
- Documentary Cotrain on Caracazo, the work of Liliane Blaser ( in 5 parts)
- Caracazo left
version - The Song of Songs drizzling "A February 27, 1989"
- Program co-finance "on February 27
Documental COTRAIN sobre el Caracazo - Parte 1/5
Duración 03:35
Documental COTRAIN sobre el Caracazo - Parte 2/5
Duración 01:32
Documental COTRAIN sobre Caracazo - Part 3 / 5
Duration 1:32
COTRAIN on Documentary Caracazo - Part 4 / 5
Duration 4:00
COTRAIN Documentary sobre el Caracazo - Parte 5/5
Duración 02:23
Caracazo versión de izquierda
Duración 09:37
Lloviznando Cantos
A February 27, 1989
Duration 4:12
"The Caracazo" popular revolt against the International Monetary Fund measures implemented by the government of Carlos Andrés Pérez
"In co-finances" on February 27
To understand the history
To understand the history
Duration 03:19
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