Friday, July 10, 2009

Clarion Drb3675r Manual

sooner or later I had to do .... and here I am. welcome back everyone, I hope that all those whom I have recently stopped reproaching the lethargy of the blog now ... forgive me but I explain.
after the winter and snow in the opposite direction I was lazy but busy ....
last post concerned the loss of a dear friend. The desire was little for the lack of things to say "later". Meanwhile, there has sadly left a pinzolero doc did not know much, but because of the warmth, education (he was one of the few who greeted forever, and ever so friendly) and zest that could give to everyone, friends or simply acquaintances, I was always amazed. Surely he knows that his son follow example, is a good Bocia and is jovial and friendly just like his dad. So hasta ready Fabio! Hasta Lueg!.
have since been at the wedding of George and Robyn (my sax and Mark will know mojto for much ???), but above
Nunta vobis magnum cum joy: Habemus TAVERNAM!
yes, the pizinòta, conceived by the light of the doubt today appalesa in his little intimacy as well as in its great hospitality. Annex (though I know he loved BON) pictures.
The work was the result of studies, applications, long pauses and advice of all kinds.
Another thing that keeps me away from the PC and the blog is a new activity of breeder poultry and lagomorphs. Cunico and Galina.
activity of real estate as well as for the species described above. with the help of his grandfather's Piz has been made stable for the new guests. As we have just passed the G8 better adapted to existing structures as well as built the rabbit for the two stars from recie long: Naomi (black rabbit, a mother of nine children with sensual appeal) and Edelweiss (soon it's up to you, doe-eyed seductive immaculate). The feathery 4 bus from the cul Pegrà are not yet working at full speed. I enclose a photo of the production department also eggs.
At work all right, it is hard work and dirty but it keeps me in shape (not just David, but always mejo that 'the Buddha who go in and gat en grual ....) that gives me satisfaction.
conclude whipped "'paddle cock is me telling you that lately my favorite song is and I'm reading "I am God" Faletti. the vision of the book Miky said with a resigned "Exhortation som ...". but she can not understand ....
soon (I hope)

PS: for the club lounge Pizinòta special thanks to: Grandpa Bruno, Flo and Matthew (as always), building oil, wood furniture Gaggio Paul Carletto Beltrami, Zie Roby (Pizzini and Salvaterra) and Don Benito for calculating Saracco. hopefully in a plenary indulgence in this regard. Obviously the Michy for your patience, cooperation and consigli. (si, conSigli, non conigli...)

a presto,

il vostro muflone.


Monday, April 13, 2009

Names Of Parts Of A Ship

Power to those who have

Economic crisis, earthquakes, emergency intervention, bailouts. There are at least three per day during this period that probably is quite extraordinary. But there is something that is dragged behind the rush and was still little studied: the growing authoritarianism. Power to those who have it, seems to be the watchword. And everything is reflection, analysis, debate, study of alternative options available it becomes a useless waste of time. The message of the head is one, the only, the best possible. The next step is that anyone who does in fact make this situation becomes, looking worn, unpatriotic. Being united in diffficoltà becomes obliged to reduce the thought to one.
In Italy we see with Berlusconi and his attempt to drain the powers of Parliament but also the press, which comes under attack when he speaks of international gaffe of the Prime Minister or what could be done and has not been made in Abruzzo. A quick trip to Paris with the reading of the satirical weekly "Le Canard enchainé" brought me back to the sad reality that the world is country. During the G20, in fact, the French newspapers have chosen silence on Sarkozy on tiptoe in the official photo with Obama to try to bridge the 25 cm good to separate them. This is obviously nonsense. But if you can not speak ill of the Chapter on scicchezze, much less serious matters. The exercise of power becomes the pursuit of their own authority and the one with the decision maker.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Pokemon Deluge Howto Get Legendary Pokemons

Hello Andrea!

Un giorno come tanti, anzi un pò speciale: è la festa del papà.

E c'è una persona which is a little 'daddy of them all. But first of all, my friend.

One of my best friends (I have 4 really true friends, is one of this Richard, often mentioned in the blog), is awakened at night by a phone call: "Your dad had an accident."

how they felt the two children at that time? that emotions, uncertainties, annilichimento?

I am shocked, speechless. Michelle with me, mother, aunt, Bea ... more ...

the supermarket while I'm spending on the bench next to us an excerpt from the conversation between two women. Two mothers. "Et sintù?, Died at the gynecologist from Tion, nof cul, cul ..... brau 'bota na ca' n brau a bank who knows how to make the mystery ... I know the Ciapa the short can... 'S was 'n .... leg and hip regions; cu the bike, but s' pol ???...." - "If you ah, tuc quanc g'um pers ..."

In the face of fate, that took the lives of those who gave their lives by trade, there are no protocols, methods, exact methods to react.

Browsing Adige looking for something more, wanting to look around to see what they say "others", I moved again. Many comments from one category (women, mothers, fathers, grandparents, homemakers, people comune, che "ha da fare") dalla quale non li aspetti....

57 commenti a poche ore dall'accaduto ( ) la dice lunga, vero?

che dire.... a presto Andrea, ci si vedrà lassù per dei cappellacci ed una salama in compagnia!

Un abbraccio (come dicevi sempre tu) "stella"!

Franz, Michy, Bea, Angela, Roby, Paolo, Giacomo, Michele.

a presto Riccardo, Gemma e Matty !!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Making Of Rc Helicopter


Un uomo sta volando su di una mongolfiera quando capisce di essersi perso. Fa in modo di scendere di quota finché non riesce ad arrivare a portata di voce di un tale a terra: "Mi scusi, puo dirmi dove mi trovo?". E il tizio da basso gli risponde: "Ma certo! Sei su di un pallone ad aria calda ad una decina di metri dal terreno". "Ma che lei lavora nel campo dell'informatica?" fa l'uomo sul pallone. "E' vero - replica il passante - Ma come fa a saperlo?". "Beh - dice l'aereostatiere - tutto quello che mi ha detto è tecnicamente ineccepibile, ma assolutamente inutile". E da basso arriva la risposta: "But she knows that it is a business executive." "That's right - must admit the man in football - but how do you know?". "You see - is the loop - you do not know where he is, or where it is going, but was convinced that I could help. She is the identical condition before we encourage ntrassimo, but now it's my fault."