Monday, April 21, 2008

Epidural Does It Hurt

And if the league was a bluff?

centocinquantaseiesima investigation viewed on the Northern League vote, perhaps because of fatigue, perhaps out of boredom, perhaps because it breaks the balls worse than the salon - and outside living room - the furniture (not the Milanese can call for details) , the question arises: what if the assertion of the Northern League was a bluff. A hypothesis of the school course. But we analyze data from a different point of view. The 2006 elections showed that Italy is a country of the center: a government even more useless than harmful like Berlusconi 2001-2006 allowed the super-center expanded dramatically to win elections. Then he said: "The country is split in two." These elections, however, told us one thing clear, namely that the center-left forces have a hard Zuccolo by 35% while the center has a market share of loyal voters that close to 50%. The rest is fluid vote. I'm not afraid to use the term protest vote. In other words, a non-ideological vote. That part of the electorate, accounting for 15-20% electorate, is frightened by the future and even some 'very angry. In 2006 he gave confidence to even PRC, Verdi & C. Today had no problems to seek other avenues such as the League (which also votes on the other hand gnawing at PDL).
school Assuming the conclusion is not very comforting for those looking for a mature democracy and bipolar: 1) you do not win the center, but by aggregating the upset, 2) the more you try to combine forces in more homogeneous superpartiti feeding the centrifugal force dwarfs (percentage of course) angry that they can explode in an election in the next to succumb. It 'has happened before to the League from the pomp that has fallen below 4% before recovering. E' successo - tanto per fare un altro esempio - ai radicali con le elezioni europee dove la Lista Bonino prese, se non ricordo male, qualcosa come l'8%.
Ovviamente è un'ipotesi di scuola. Poi c'è la questione del nord, la sicurezza, la sindrome da accerchiamento degli immigrati e tutte le cose che avete già letto.

Hp Officejet G85 Service Manual

Hello Luca

22.04.2007 22.04.2008 ---

It 's been a year since you left. A busy year of changes, activities and emotions. All played, played and tested this with a vacuum. All you have known and appreciated, from one year to live in an oxymoron. Your absence is present. To make you relive every day we are your smiles, your laughter coarse, your stones, your bricks, your tools with over L. As if we forget. A few days after your death (in your case it is impossible to speak of death, let me), I've heard in a bar, among many other bullshit that usually feel the bar is serious, raw, real, a phrase that sums up the thought of all: "'n pasar amu from temp Prum ca n'aftru Luca 's understood' n Pinzolo. And so ... that tell you? They stole tools in the yard. In Nambrone. So what would you say, and correct me if I'm wrong, "the dis tant from tarugn but Pinzolo Je PEC is worth a star who shore me the screwdriver goes beyond the wasp .... lazarugn"
Giusto ? How many do you Boti gh'è Rasen.
ah, yes.
If you find where you are now in charge of the weather, just a courtesy to your colleagues. Evening water.
Thank Sciau

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April (you do not find out) How Fast

Hello Dear, I'm back with you.

Report fast ... finished to go with the cats I have started the construction work ... very happy, I began to be sick of snow. In fact, I'll take this day April 20 in that of Nambrone.

Periodo tranzollo, sono andato a due concerti molto belli Gianna Nannini (per le mie donne, zie, sorelle, mamme ...) e Mark Knopfler. Stupendi, veramente coinvolgenti. Ovviamente Knopfler (Dire Straits) era per me più importante. Grandioso... Mia sorella e la Miky mi hanno detto che sembravo un bambino a Gardaland... in Sultans of swing e Brothers in Arms avevo il pel de galina... bellissime anche Postcard from Paraguay, la mia preferita del penultimo album, poi What it is, Romeo and Giuliet e le altre del nuovo album Kill to Get Crimson (leggero, molto bello). La compagnia era ottima (Fabio, Bruna, Maddalena, Edmond e Moglie, Beatrice e Miky) ed è risultata una serata indimenticabile.

past Saturday to do scans of old photos. Situations, moments, memories ... my honda CR, my ex-girlfriend (for the first are still mad the Boci, the second hour goes mad for something I'm missing ... Boci ...), my little dog, I am in uniform The Bea riding, my grandmother ... Truly beautiful and moving. I enclose what is the photo taken during a lunch in Val Genova with my mom, my brother, Roby, the Bea and James the day when we went to the home loan. (Panet co-celebrating 'the sausage) and' day was one of the most intense of my life.

eeeeh ... already already already (in the words of Alfred in Happy Days)
also enclose photos of MK

Monday, April 14, 2008

How Long Before You See Results From Zumba

not change government changes the country

Non cambiare governo, cambia Paese. Lo slogan del Pd letto oggi, alla luce dei risultati elettorali che hanno portato a stravincere il centrodestra fa sorridere. Sembra un invito a lasciare l'Italia. Cambia Paese, però, può anche essere un consiglio ancora valido per quel che resta del centrosinistra. Berlusconi, infatti, andrà al governo per la terza volta perchè failed to provide a credible representation of the country. And even more than he has succeeded, the Northern League. We were told that Italy is a country in the process of impoverishment and is an insecure country. We have provided the cause: excessive taxation and immigration wild. We have provided the answers: less taxes (starting with the symbol as the ICI), less state, less illegal immigrants around to take offense.
And the Democratic Party? He did the same analysis, we have proposed the same causes and solutions just a little 'more humane. It has lost more than they say the election results. If you take away the votes drained to the left would be far below 30%. But is not the fault of Prodi, its government, the contentiousness of the coalition. E ' that the center lacks a novelist. Change country - to the center - it means learning to talk about Italy, its problems, its riches, but from another point of view. The centodestra is now the only force capable of providing a representation of citizens and their problems. Rarely, however, over the years in which the government was able to demonstrate that the solutions were good and applicable (see the Bossi-Fini immigration amnesties or the equation = more citizens who pay taxes = lower the tax burden). Theoretically, there seems to be room for a new account. A pact to find writers who know how to tell.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Rotronicdrivers 12.02.1086

.. ...

To discover the value of one year, ask a student who is statobocciato final exam.

To discover the value of one month, ask a mother who has a child too early Almondo.

To discover the value of one week, ask the editor of a weekly magazine.

To find the value of one hour, ask the lovers who are waiting to see.

To discover the value of one minute, ask someone who has just missed the train, bus or plane.

To find the value of a second, ask someone who has survived an accident.

To find the value of a hundredth of a second, ask for an Olympic athlete who won the silver medal