Thursday, December 27, 2007

Did You Like Your Viking River Cruise

The year that came

On December 27, I discover from "La Stampa" Veltroni that way - but deep down - is also for the rights of homosexuals and criticizes Binetti. He also wants to engage in Parliament in this regard. Only now it's late because Dini has decided to bring down Prodi . Ah yes, because the financial Prodi and welfare do not like the package to the left, but eventually falls to the center. Now lie at the center a bit 'all the the Democratic Party of the People of Freedom Party . The center of the other parties to increase: we must take a leaf from that Putin has expanded so that in Russia there is only him as we saw in the last election and as we shall see in the upcoming presidential race remains essentially where only his candidate. And to think that the craze of the candidate only lose support if Fidel Castro to open Cuba seems some way democratic. The democratic path looking Burmese monks massacred by the regime. To tell that story was a friend of Radio Popolare, the radio that I have left to return to take care of finance for Thomson Financial (at the bottom is the word radio). Specifically, I deal with real estate and understood at the time of mortgage crisis the environment that could also be interpreted as a sign that I carry a little 'bad luck. The same bad luck that has a Romanian now living in Italy now because they are all thieves and murderers. Of course then one looks at the murders of Garlasco or Grass and discovers that Po in the province of patrols and kill whites are also neighbors house. It 's the beauty of life. Hoping that the moratorium on the death penalty it will save some life. On the other hand, condemned to death, sometimes, are also at work. The ThyssenKrupp Turin has made headlines, but every day continues to enrich the ongoing list of nobodies who do not return home for work-related accidents. It will not be the fault of precarious as the experts tell us? The doubt, personally, still is. About not sure, but the French president's Sark or us or just do Carla Bruni? Good

Friday, November 2, 2007

How To Unlock The Suitcase Number

Romanians, European Series B

There is one thing more horrible killing of Giovanna Reggiani: the decree on security. As usual when the square shouting, comes form an emergency government decree.

Since yesterday the prefects have acquired the power to expel "for reasons of public safety" Community citizens "have undermined the protection of human dignity or the fundamental rights of the person or public safety." An ad hoc measure the emotional wave of a heinous crime.

One small step for sicuerzza, a big step back for Europe. One small step for safety because the prior DETECTION citizens is a dangerous folly to apply. A big step backwards for Europe because it would be like if I was, but who are resident live in Milan could be expelled from Lombardy and sent in my plains to graze cows.

The fact is that today goes by the notion that we are all Europeans, but if you are Romania, Roma, Slavic or Eastern him you're a little 'less.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

How Many Calories In Cup Of Home Made Soup

I was convinced that the PD is a new political entity, able to find a new vocabulary that goes beyond the ideological arsenal of the twentieth century. The pd is mostly made of new people. An example? Maurizio Martina, neo segretario del pd in Lombardia dopo aver già ricoperto la carica di segretario regionale dei ds. Ieri Martina, il ventinovenne Martina, durante Ballarò ha dovuto rispondere alla domanda: "Con chi và il pd, con la sinistra o con i moderati". La sua risposta è stata chiara è inequivocabile; suonava pressochè così: "Non è una questione di nomi, occorre trovare una convergenza sui programmi. La questione è quella del programma che va costruito e discusso con tutti. Il programma viene prima di tutto. Poi si vedrà l'alleanza ".

Ridatemi la dc, quella vecchia.

Monday, October 29, 2007

My Ipod Connects To My Ford Fiesta But No Sound

Veltroni New leadership: the White Knight took the reins

"Veltroni e il Pd: solo alleanze homogeneous. "The title is that of Corriere della Sera on Sunday. The best, second only to the manifesto: Veltroni's picture in the background and an unparalleled" I exist ".

In the" one homogeneous alliances "is the Veltroni means the way in which Pd. Because beyond the joke - "We could even introduce themselves, polls give us 38.5% - in" Alliances only field "is in my opinion the idea of \u200b\u200ba party looking for alliances in the center.

Prodi tried Saturday to put the hat with an idea - that the Democratic Party - which is no longer hers. Remarked to be the president of PD, but here you do not create a block of center-pivot between both instances center and left, but a block that looks to the center because the center feels more akin to his vision of politics and economics.

There is also ready to accompany the electoral system, the shuffling of cards, that the German system, which if passed would be the prelude to the great center. A pity. Not so much because it marginalizes the left, but why take away one of the few positive aspects of Italy in the last 15 years: the alternation.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Watching Movies Off Usb Stick

the W-day Veltroni and Prodi's V-Day De

For Veltroni has certainly been the day of victory: the W-day. Not so much for the percentage with which Bulgaria has won the primaries, but especially for the 3.4 million who have been supporters of the center to vote. Who cares if they had white hair and they were not young, if they were employees rather than professionals, they were 3.4 million people, a figure that exceeds by far the licensed DS and Margherita and the sign that the system of primary like.

The news was pleased to Prodi? Beyond the official statements about beliefs. If it brings 3.4 million people to vote for the center is not as battered as the paint. Veltroni could also go to vote against Berlusconi e. .. ri8schiare could also not be missed. At least that's what he believes. And this is not a great news for the Prodi government. Beyond officialdom.

The W-Day Veltroni risks being transformed into V-Day Prodi

Monday, October 8, 2007

Do Ethernet Cables Get Affected By Cold?


The budget at the time of Cricket, on welfare reform at the time of Cricket, the Democratic Party at the time of Cricket. Reopen this blog trying to talk politics after a month of vacation (from blogs, not from work) and let Grillo would be impossible because most of the pd, the single party of the center and the red thing was his "policy" in recent weeks. The financial

. Of course there is the house, the tax reduction for businesses, but above all there is cost-cutting policy. The measure - has admitted Prodi - was so driven by Quelch put strong pressure on the parties by Grillo, an even stronger pressure of the book "La Casta" Stella and Rizzo.

Welfare. We much to discuss pensions and steps, but the real weakness of welfare reform is on precarious work where the Prodi government was well below what was promised during the election campaign. Cricket, for its part, had been one of the first to denounce the scandal of insecurity in the "modern slaves".

The party demcratico. next weekend to vote. The trio BiVeLe (bindi, Veltroni, read) is threatened with a beating. Few people go to vote, certainly less than what Prodi chose. If Veltroni then went below 70%, the PD would suffer a defeat, perhaps permanently. Grillo gloats, prepare the civic lists (another party, basically) and fishing the agonies of the Union. Other

that Berlusconi-Veltroni. At the next election the dream clash Cricket Buzzanca . How do you want a smart country. As smart as the kid that wore a nother day in subway sweatshirt with "Executioner who spring."

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Kamehasutra View Online

And if Veltroni said this week that he feels closer to Caruso that Mastella? And if you read the candidate to become the social centers pd? And if it turns out that Maria Vittoria Brambilla founded because the PDL, such as panels, has been excluded from the Democratic Party primary? And if Berlusconi's Forza abandon Italy to enter the Humanist Party (I swear it exists)? And if it came a freeze on global stock markets because Bernanke has caught a cold?
Whatever happens, I - modestly - are on holiday. And I put the pen of a warrior.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Underwear Models With Erections

how to solve the waste problem in Campania

how to solve the waste problem in Campania? With a spot. The Region has allocated 700 thousand euro (mica peanuts) to carry out a spot to raise awareness of the bell with the rubbish under the house to the waste problem. Find all here. It clearly says that the ban aims: "entrusting the design and implementation of a television product information on the environment in Campania, with particular reference to the collection and preparation of a media plan for the deployment of a spot. Maybe 700 thousand euro (corresponding to the gross monthly salary of at least 400 sweepers) dedicated to cleaning the streets seemed a trivial thing.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Vampire Strangler Free Watch

Who agree three years of insecurity?

The more I look, the more I read the newspapers, the more I think of that comes from the manifest of the PDCI: "If three years have seem a few."

I try to take a step back to reflect on why was introduced flexibility into the labor market . The points were basically two: managing phases alternate with periods of overwork in lean companies, they allow businesses a reasonable period of time to know the employee before accollarselo life. Three years. There are phases of overwork company that last three years? It takes three years to learn how to work a person? honestly do not think.

The classic objection to this reasoning is that you must leave their companies to hire and fire freely because in this way can workers take light-heartedly knowing potersene leave just as easily. Theory. And if you get an economic crisis? liberal economic theory would say that the adjustment demand and supply of labor is easier to be accommodated in an open and dynamic. Now look at what's happening in the U.S. mortgage crisis with the high-risk A simple touch of the interest rate (not the loss of employment) has devastated an entire sector, the stock dropped heavily, reduced bankrupted a number of companies and employees who lost their jobs.

Everyone says that in Italy there are no subprime mortgages, for heaven's sake. But the loans granted to temporary workers, those yes, even if they are not the same thing. What if in 5 years, in full recession a number of fixed-term contracts were not confirmed? Panico. At that point it could be worth the scroll riformetta Prodi regarding social safety nets. We read: 60% of salary for one year. Then, panic.

that it does not an ideological issue, I tell you I'm willing to admit not three, but 30 years of insecurity. But if there are adequate social safety nets. With the protection offered today, a year seems more than enough. And because the risks on economic sisetma that might trigger a mass of precarious one wonders who agree to three years of insecurity.

Monday, July 16, 2007

How Many Days Of Delaying Menstruation

Executioner who errs

Drunk driving? Handcuffs. Drugged? Handcuffs. You do not pay taxes? Handcuffs. Whatever you do, wherever you go, there is always handcuffed. Please, handcuffs theoretical. But

. But I find it childish that each episode of the news, even as dramatic as that of traffic accidents, there is always the minister on duty that these bills or invoke stiffer penalties, higher fines, or directly to the Executioner those who make mistakes. not really put 10 thousand euro fines that are never collected. It is not serious to put the alcohol limit in beer because the papers can write that while this was a fatal accident rate exceeded 4 times the alcohol. It is not seriously propose to close the premises at one o'clock to avoid the Saturday night because at that point might as well put curfews or bans until 6 in the morning.

The writer is a moderate drinker so do not fear any alcohol testing. Though. But it seems to me that we do not need tougher penalties, but the certainty of punishment . A drunk or drugged not're ready to make hundreds of miles without seeing a patrol on Saturday. Better to prevent the accident that the Executioner who is wrong.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Good Warm Up Songs Basketball

Pensions, reform impossible

Giavazzi are right and those like him point out that in Italy there are now three seniors over 65 years for every ten people of working age (15-64 years). I have no doubt that the calculations are correct who say that the proportion will be between fifteen years and four out of ten in 2050 will be seven out of ten. Reforming the pension system is necessary . But so far we have focused on the obligations. To play - but only to a certain point - I would try to overturn the concept: it is not necessary to require people to work longer, but why not give them reasons to retire. In envi sense economic incentives are of little use. Rather, why not try:

1) organize the work so that a person feels good in the workplace. Today we have people who are looking around the board from the moment he begins to work. Why do you feel exploited, overwhelmed by a system that rewards merit, without ability to evolve in his condition. Al contrario quei pochi a cui piace il loro lavoro ci rimangono fin oltre l'età della pensione perchè non lo avvertono come un peso (e non si tratta solo dei super manager). Intervenire sul lato dell'organizzazione e del merito avrebbe un forte impatto motivazionale.

2) riconoscere che certi lavori sono usuranti e non possono essere fatti tutta la vita. Occore quindi stabilire possibiltà di uscite anticipate e di formazione continua per poter accedere a posti di lavoro diversi nelle diverse fasi della vita.

3) concedere la pensione (magari non gravandola solo sull'Inps ma anche sulle spese sociali) per quei lavoratori che , per riconosciuti health reasons, to a certain age - no matter what - are no longer working conditions. Certainly physicians should take responsibility for their decisions and to avoid generating the circle of the bribe.

4) Think of retirement as a withdrawal on. Many older people are dedicated to volunteering, social activities, care of the grandchildren doing an activity that is often critical to the community, but that is not recognized financially. To stimulate and organize these activities would give value to the elderly and their activities in ways and times that these people feel to be in their possibilities.

5) Separate the retirement from work from all forms of pension assisteziale sull'Inps fall today, but having to do with the security service with more than offsetting all the calculations by INPS and enraged workers.

All this would be enough to avoid raising the retirement age? do not know. However, some of these points seem to me necessary regardless. Only for the proper functioning of the economy.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Real Indian Women Boobs

severance pay and the lesson Parmalat

the newspapers that 30% of Italians have decided to put the TFR in pension funds. Another 10% come to us for the worst rule that can exist in a democracy: the silent consent . For the Government that pointed to the accounts should return 40%.

If I think that 60% said no but I realize the degree of confidence that the country has to the Italian financial system. I would say that slogan summed up in hideous Eighties: "If you know it you avoid it, if you know it does not kill you." On the other hand, recent years have shown that you can trust. Cirio, Parmalat, BPI, ... Italease to show that there is nothing easier than to take possession of the gains and losses on the download customers . It is normal that nobody wants to entrust their future to some people.

30% of accessions is still a result above my own expectations. And I think it mostly a consequence of the trust that workers are still in the unions. We hope to have the right answer because there's a lot to be € 10 billion a year on which depends the future of 4 million people. I, honestly, I've become too cynical: the severance pay the company I kept.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Warm Up Songs Basketball

What are the newspapers

The newspapers are useful, important, necessary. For those thinking there's only television, to all those with internet card is no longer needed, to all those that newspapers will disappear in 2 months ... I mean all of them to try to dry the flooded house from the washing machine with your modem, or satellite dish. Two accatastatati months of daily room and scattered throughout the house as necessary were assarbonte paper went very well and are showing that the newspaper did not throw anything away.

NB Handy tip: the press and the sun have a great absorption capacity and the carrier should improve a bit '. What do I write to honey?

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Rent To Own Laws In Mo

Veltroni vs Bersani

"You can not always straighten the hair at all. And now we do with the Democratic Party? As can not put a spoke in the wheel to the government we begin to speak for the next few months and only Don Martin Milani Luther King? "

" The GDP measures everything except that which gives value to life .

La prima è una frase attribuita a Bersani, la seconda una citazione di Bib Kennedy che piace molto a Walter Veltroni. Quali dei due spiriti può vincere le primarie? E quale givernare meglio? Quale spirito può fare breccia al Nord? E quale al centro-sud? Risposte ovvie. Per cui credo che Veltroni vincerà le primarie e perderà le elezioni.

Anche se Veltroni ha un che di don chisciottesco che lo farà comunque vada sembrare un simpatico perdente. Uno alla Al Gore che spenderà la sua esistenza in giro per il mondo a parlare di ambiente, di Africa.... E di tutte quelle cose che in un mondo di concretezza si scontreranno sempre con un Bersani, un imprenditore, un camionista che si alza alle sei del mattino e dice: "Ci we talk for the next few months only Don Milani and Martin Luther King? "

Saturday, June 16, 2007

What Cheese To Use Instead Of Reblochon?

The family is left (and have proof)

With announcement directly to TG1, Fini (through a statement by his lawyer) has informed us that they had" started the practice of separation " Mrs. Daniela. Of course it was "a decision made by mutual agreement" that does not detract from "the esteem and affection for each other."
summarize the family situation of the House of Freedom: Berlusconi is divorced, remarried and recently with Veronica is not doing so well; Casini is separated and living with the daughter of Caltagirone; Bossi is divorced and remarried. Fini - and we're sorry humanly - Is being separated. All these people should be for the traditional family. In the center-left Prodi
we married life with Mrs. Flavia (next mayor of Bologna), D'Alema and Fassino idem. Bertinotti is faithful man as Napolitano. Other than family day, and I say the battle against same-sex unions: real the traditional family is left. There is already a card that is waiting for re-establishment of Ruini and the Italian bishops' conference will be renamed Bagnasco of Soviet workers of the Italian bishops.

notice to mariners. not think that I forgot to do a post on wiretapping-Unipol-D'Alema Fassino. E 'that I still do not fully understand the situation. At the moment it seems to me that we are rulers by idiots, but not dishonest. People who began to root for Consort, but that does not affect operations on the market (so much so that BNL has gone then BNP). However, I'm still thinking.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Valima Invitation Wording


Genoa 2001-Rome 2007. But as time has gone from Genoa 2001? Since the anti-globalization, globalization or whatever else you want to call it in Piazza led tens-hundreds of thousands of people? Like a coat or a pair of shoes no longer fashionable was literally blown away. I watched the images on TV of protests against Bush's visit to Italy this weekend: a few thousand people, all and only the children of the social and the left channel blocker. The political anything, in fact. And then I thought of the mighty German radio that he had asked to find someone who had just written a book on the movement. Response of the magnet that is knowledgeable about these things, "None."

in Rome more than a No_war_No_bush_day was the day dell'amarcord . They found six years later in a square to say that war is ugly and it hurts. They were counted and four cats. Someone working in a bank, or maybe someone makes the computer has started a family. Others have celebrated the good old days: some rocket, a couple of windows shattered. Mrs. Giuliani thanked the police. And so on. Amrcord.
(The post is also the result of a discussion with the dome on the road was-Milan)

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Funny Things To Write On A Birthday Cake

In Defense Visco

In defense of Visco. Who would have thought that one day I'd have to write in defense of Visco, deputy minister of taxes. Yet we must. Remember why Vincenzino Visco tried last summer to remove the top of the Guardia di Finanza di Milano . It was the financial police - "gentlemen," as has been saying now the center - to go to the newspapers interceptions Fassino said that a Spouse: "We have a bank." Those statements - morally reprehensible - they had no criminal significance, as we said then and now as risilta so much so that Fassino is not investigated. They were not the acts of any proceedings were only one of many conversations Consort. Visco A must have seemed that a financial police - made up of "gentlemen - who tries to discredit the chief secretary of the majority party has it maybe some problem . Maybe he must have thought that all this passion of the center to put the vertices of yellow flames General Special - comes not from the army by yellow flames - Can also leave some doubt. Maybe you should have also annoyed that vertci of the financial police launch its cahiers de doléance the columns of the newspaper of the opposition leader, rather than in institutional settings. What ensued, with the special general who does not accept the transfer, threatens the use of Tar and Bea became the champion of being the opposition would lean towards the fact that, for once, was not wrong very Visco with his "maybe". It seems to me the democratic emergency tip-over. Maybe.
(cartoon of "Il Giornale", ça va sans dire)

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Tech Deck Online Magazin

Poor models

Do journalists is hard, no doubt about it: a few places and so many aspirants, often good. But what about the models who share out a cake, perhaps even smaller than our ? In the past four days I was at the fair in Milan (among other things, with the magnet and the boss of Sardinia) and I noticed how many models are made to be hostesses for a few Euros. They come from Russia, the countries of Eastern Europe and are very beautiful, tall, slender, perfect. dreamed fashion, catwalk, or better yet to be tissue instead of the TV and the Reply to field people like me: "Sorry I was looking guy, he can see if there is?". They get up from their stools con le minigonne ipermini, avvolte in vestitini vedo non vedo e sfilano fino alla sala interna allo stand per chiamare tizio. Un lavoro che - siamo sinceri - potrebbe fare chiunque, anche un donnone di cento chili con l'alito che puzza. In fondo, machissenefrega, di come sono le standiste. Fino a poco tempo fa era un lavoro da ragazze universitarie in cerca di qualche soldo . Oggi, invece, le universitarie sono poche: per lo stesso prezzo possono avere una modella fallita.
(immagine tratta da una fiera casuale)

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Disney Cinemagic Games

The dictatorship of the square at the family day

Al family day erano centinaia di migliaia alla manifestazione per la laicità quattro gatti. Ergo via i dico. E' questo il modo in cui ci siamo abituati a ragionare. Sbagliando. Perchè il family day non era una manifestazione "per", per difendere un diritto, per reclamare attenzione su un problema di una fetta della società. Ma era un raro esempio di manifestazione contro , contro i dico, contro gli omosessuali contro nuovi modelli di famiglia. Nel profondo rispetto della religione, del Papa, ecc... il family day è un non senso . Si può manifestare per non consentire a un altro di non avere diritti? In modo discutibile, ma legittimo posso pensare che l'unica famiglia possibile sia quella fondata sul matrimonio fra un uomo e una donna che arrivano vergini al matrimonio e si obbligano a stare insieme tutta la vita perchè uniti da un vincolo sacro. Ma se c'è chi non la pensa come me, posso costringerlo? Posso cancellare i diritti della sua unione solo perchè la mia religione la pensa diversamente? Da domani ricomincia ancora più forte la battaglia per la laicità dello stato. Che dopo tanti anni vuole soltando dire, la battaglia perchè anche un non-cattolico possa sopravvivere nei tempi moderni.