Sunday, July 1, 2007

Real Indian Women Boobs

severance pay and the lesson Parmalat

the newspapers that 30% of Italians have decided to put the TFR in pension funds. Another 10% come to us for the worst rule that can exist in a democracy: the silent consent . For the Government that pointed to the accounts should return 40%.

If I think that 60% said no but I realize the degree of confidence that the country has to the Italian financial system. I would say that slogan summed up in hideous Eighties: "If you know it you avoid it, if you know it does not kill you." On the other hand, recent years have shown that you can trust. Cirio, Parmalat, BPI, ... Italease to show that there is nothing easier than to take possession of the gains and losses on the download customers . It is normal that nobody wants to entrust their future to some people.

30% of accessions is still a result above my own expectations. And I think it mostly a consequence of the trust that workers are still in the unions. We hope to have the right answer because there's a lot to be € 10 billion a year on which depends the future of 4 million people. I, honestly, I've become too cynical: the severance pay the company I kept.


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