Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Good Warm Up Songs Basketball

Pensions, reform impossible

Giavazzi are right and those like him point out that in Italy there are now three seniors over 65 years for every ten people of working age (15-64 years). I have no doubt that the calculations are correct who say that the proportion will be between fifteen years and four out of ten in 2050 will be seven out of ten. Reforming the pension system is necessary . But so far we have focused on the obligations. To play - but only to a certain point - I would try to overturn the concept: it is not necessary to require people to work longer, but why not give them reasons to retire. In envi sense economic incentives are of little use. Rather, why not try:

1) organize the work so that a person feels good in the workplace. Today we have people who are looking around the board from the moment he begins to work. Why do you feel exploited, overwhelmed by a system that rewards merit, without ability to evolve in his condition. Al contrario quei pochi a cui piace il loro lavoro ci rimangono fin oltre l'età della pensione perchè non lo avvertono come un peso (e non si tratta solo dei super manager). Intervenire sul lato dell'organizzazione e del merito avrebbe un forte impatto motivazionale.

2) riconoscere che certi lavori sono usuranti e non possono essere fatti tutta la vita. Occore quindi stabilire possibiltà di uscite anticipate e di formazione continua per poter accedere a posti di lavoro diversi nelle diverse fasi della vita.

3) concedere la pensione (magari non gravandola solo sull'Inps ma anche sulle spese sociali) per quei lavoratori che , per riconosciuti health reasons, to a certain age - no matter what - are no longer working conditions. Certainly physicians should take responsibility for their decisions and to avoid generating the circle of the bribe.

4) Think of retirement as a withdrawal on. Many older people are dedicated to volunteering, social activities, care of the grandchildren doing an activity that is often critical to the community, but that is not recognized financially. To stimulate and organize these activities would give value to the elderly and their activities in ways and times that these people feel to be in their possibilities.

5) Separate the retirement from work from all forms of pension assisteziale sull'Inps fall today, but having to do with the security service with more than offsetting all the calculations by INPS and enraged workers.

All this would be enough to avoid raising the retirement age? do not know. However, some of these points seem to me necessary regardless. Only for the proper functioning of the economy.


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