UniversidadCentral of Venezuela
deHumanidades and Education Faculty
School social deComunicación
DEPARTMENT OF language arts
Course ID: 0705100058
Subject: Italiano 2
Academic term: 2011-01S
Prof. Attilio Folliero
Upon completion of the course deItaliano 2, the student will be able to communicate in Italian, understanding and making oral anivel understand. During this course we will continue to study the estructurasgramaticales studied in the previous level. In summary, at the end estenivel, the student will be able to count and describe situations Delpaso, make comparisons, give orders, instructions and advice.
training Excepcionesen feminine and plural indicative Imperfectodel (Imperfetto) pluperfect indicative (Trapassatoprossimo) thefuture simple (future semplice), The future compound (future perfect); Pronombrespersonales direct object, conditional simple, conditional compound; Conjugaciónde new times of irregular verbs such as fare, dare and stare, andare e venire, Dover, potere e volere; of complementoindirecto unstressed pronouns. Overview of personal pronouns, the imperative; Lospronombres relative; The degree comparative and superlative of the adjective; Alteracionesde names.
methodology is applied anterior.Estudiar level language means learning not only Deuna language grammatical structures, also the culture and all aspects related to idiomadel country under study. Therefore, during the study period, with grammatical aspects alos hará referencia a la cultura italiana en susvariadas expresiones (desde la música hasta el cinema, el teatro y laliteratura), la historia, la geografía, el turismo, la economía, la ciencia, lapolítica, el entretenimiento y el deporte.
Se aplicara una metodología que tienda a lacomprensión del lenguaje hablado y escrito, complementado con explicaciones delas estructuras gramaticales. Se emplearán todos los instrumentos didácticosque puedan facilitar el proceso de aprendizaje: la lectura de libros, dediarios y periódicos, la visión de película en idioma italiano; se invitara alalumno a utilizar las modernas tecnología representada Internet, correoelectrónico, chat, video and music.
Since this subject uncurso embedded in social communication, it encourages students to Italian delidioma implementation in their respective area of \u200b\u200binterest is the oanimación audiovisual journalism.
Professor Attilio Folliero, Professor photos, economics and history, together with their preparation and their experiencialaboral, among other sectors of the Italian public administration and communication elsector facilitate language learning given elconocimiento su país en todos los aspectos ya mencionados anteriormente.
En fin, el profesor consciente que el rol dela universidad no puede limitarse a la transferencia de conocimiento delprofesor al alumno, estimulará y orientará constantemente los estudiantes a unenfoque crítico de la realidad y del estudio.
Duranteel periodo de estudio se efectuaran dos pruebas de evaluación intermediasescritas o práctica y un examen final. El examen final consiste en una pruebaescrita y una oral; a possible test could be performed either: in The Vision of a film and following written and oral summary of the content, the summary of a text, the chapter on unanovela, in an article in an Italian newspaper or an Italian web site, or ofa teacher's writing, in addition, could be unartículo conducting press interviews character with the culture, or simply mundoempresarial exponents of the Italian community in Venezuela orepreséntate of Italian institutions. The teacher will decide the appropriate pruebasmás according to the evolution of learning by instructional levels. In any case, students will be constantly evaluated and inany time the teacher may ask clarifying questions or additional unaexplicación studied the consultation time outside of class Ovia internet.
Elprofesor aware that the study of a language requires not only continuous unapráctica by the student, but also a level constanteseguimiento student learning, therefore conjuntamentea written evaluations in each class delaprendizaje progress will be reviewed by students, according to the availability of student and teacher detiempo ..
Elprofesor para favorecer el aprendizaje del idioma ha abierto un espacio web ( www.folliero.eu ), de donde los estudiantespodrán bajar todas las clases, todos los argumentos; en este mismo espacioencontraran los ejercicios para la práctica y además podrán visionar algunaspelículas italianas, escuchar canciones, leer algunas novelas; podrán ver fotosy videos de las principales ciudades italiana y en fin leer algunos de losartículos escritos por el mismo profesor en su ventenal (20 años) actividad decomunicador social. El profesor estimulará los estudiantes a utilizar lasnuevas tecnología y al mínimo gasto de papel. Por supuesto eventualesestudiantes que no tienen la posibilidad de un acceso continuo a Internet,podrán seguir haciendo copias de todas las clases.
Italiano Schedule 2 - 2011 Primersemestre
N | Date | Class | |
communication elements | grammatical elements | ||
1 | Tuesday 01/03/2011 | Comparison territorial and administrative cooperation between Italy and Venezuela | Previous Program Summary Italiano 1 |
2 | Tuesday 08/03/2011 | Asueta Carnival | |
3 | Tuesday 15/03/2011 | 03/17/1861 to 03/17/2011: 150 Anniversary unification of Italy. Historical Overview and motives that led to the unification, analysis of the situation Belpaese current | Last Italian: present perfect (passato prossimo) and imperfect (Imperfetto) Imperfect conjugation of verbs studied |
4 | Tuesday 22 / 03/2011 | geography and administrative division of Italy, the north and south, cultural differences, the dialects | Past perfect (trapassato prossimo) of the signal exceptions training plural nouns and in the formation of female |
5 | Tuesday 29/03/2011 | The half Italian, a large global media event: the attack on the Twin Towers (11/09/2001) | Future simple (semplice future) and compound future (future perfect) |
6 | Tuesday 05/04/2011 | First evaluation | |
7 | Tuesday 12/04/2011 | Cuisine and typical Italian product, the bar, the restaurant | supplements personal pronouns, conditional simple |
8 | Tuesday 19/04/2011 | Asueta Easter | |
9 | | Culture, cinema and sport in Italy | of indirect object pronouns unstressed, conditional compound |
10 | Tuesday 03/05/2011 | Family marriage, domestic economy, savings, shopping centers, shops, supermarkets and discount | Overview of the personal pronouns, conjugation of the new times of irregular verbs |
11 | Tuesday 10/05/2011 | Second Assessment | |
12 | Tuesday 17/05/2011 | system health in Italy, the educational system, social assistance, i "bamboccioni" | Relative pronouns, the imperative |
13 | Tuesday 24/05/2011 | Holiday destinations Italy, museums, cities of art, natural and archaeological parks, hotels, transport | comparative and superlative degree of adjectives |
14 | Tuesday 31/05/2011 | Italian Economy and Politics in the 150 years of the Italian state | Alteration of name |
15 | Tuesday 07/06/2011 | crisis economic and signs of a possible fall in Italy and west | Repeat general grammatical rules studied. End Class |
16 | Tuesday 14/06/2011 | Final exam |
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