In unagiornata in cui l’oro e il debito pubblico statunitense raggiungono il valorepiù alto della loro storia, anche il debito estero degli USA è rivisto alrialzo; intanto, il petrolio vola. Raggiungerà i 200 dollari come dicono alcunianalisti?
AttilioFolliero e Cecilia Laya, Caracas 01/03/2011
Oggi l’oro ha toccato un nuovo massimo storico:sulla pizza New York has reached $ 1,431.20 an ounce, surpassing ilprecedente record of 1416.10 on December 6. Gold continues, then, the race for $ 2,000, the price could reach corsodi year.
The price of oil, now over 100dollari continues to increase and according to some analysts, including GeraldCelente, director of Trends Research Institute , because of the crisis in the Middle East could exceed 200 dollars.
Meanwhile, the U.S. Treasury today hapubblicato data of public debt of the United States at the end difebbraio; for the U.S. debt is yet another historic Masimo, this time to quota14.194, 76. This is the 182 º Obama era record, that in just 769 days digoverno has increased the U.S. public debt of no less than 3.56789 trillion, equivalent to 72.83% of the 4899.10000000000 a legacy of the government of George eight yearsof W. Bush. Obama, for next year hapresentato a budget that assumes a deficit of more than one million didollari, down to the last year, but still huge and dell'ordinedel 7% of GDP.
Obama, among others, must confront the danger ofa block of government, in fact, the current debt limit, set annually by Congress, has not yet been updated, because the Republicans who control the parliament dell'ostruzionismodei USA, the current debt has giàraggiunto 99.31% of the debt authorized by Parliament last year. FraGoverno and republicans are going frantic negotiations to avert laparalisi raggungimento of government to the current limit.
Also on the U.S. Treasury, just yesterday (2/28/2011), calculated the data debitoestero the U.S. since June, and these data, updated aldicembre 2010, were published on 15 February (see nostroarticolo: " UK first purchaser of U.S. debt ). New datipresentano some news. First, the external debt has been revised alrialzo at the end of December reached 4439.60000000000 against i4.372, 60 which was estimated in the first publication of 15febbraio Scrosati. The external debt in terms that the percentage is growing more debitototale, because, on the basis of this recalculation in the last six months, dallafine June to the end of December, the foreign debt grew by 9.08% while the total public debt, during the same period grew by 6.22%.
Also new: deldebito U.S. securities held by China, which were given to two settimne ago 891.60000000000, have been updated 1160.10000000000 dollars, so there is an increase of over unsostanziale 260 billion.
The United Kingdom is the third country inassoluto, after China and Japan and the first European country with the highest Amount of U.S. government securities owned, although its share in this recalculation considerable decrease in summer, down from attribuitiinizialmente 541 billion dollars at current 272.10000000000. However, compared to six months earlier, the share of debt American public in possession of the United Kingdom ècresciuta more than 187%, confirming our view that the government diLondra, while calls austerity and sacrifice to his people (spesapubblica cut, increased taxes, increased retirement age, block deisalari, privatization , etc..) and enhances strongly the possession of U.S. debt with as many dititoli 177.60000000000 in just 6 months.

And Italy? Italy has also aumentatoil his help the U.S., has increased by 1 miliarduccio share dititoli U.S. dollars, an increase slightly less than 5% compared ASEI months ago. Holds securities for a total of U.S. 23.70000000000, quotacomunque lower than that of other countries, such as' Egypt. The land of the pharaohs, with many poor, so much misery and rivoltequotidiane, invested in securities of U.S. debt was 26 billion addiritturanegli last six months of the year also had the ability to increase one billion diun his help to the United States.
Dai dati aggiornati del debito estero USA, emergeanche che molti paesi stanno riducendo il possesso dei titoli USA, come laRussia (-10%) e alcuni paesi occidentali in crisi; spicca la forte riduzionedella Francia, che ha ridotto il possesso di titoli USA del 35% circa rispettoa sei mesi prima.
In sostanza è pensabile che la crisi, cheattualmente sta sconvolgendo alcune zone del mondo a causa dell’aumento deiprezzi dei prodotti agricoli (e che sicuramente continueranno ad aumnetare inconsiderazione della possibile crescita dei prezzi energetici e quindi dei costidi produzione e di trasporto), si possa trasferire ai paesi occidentali, aparte from the U.S., where in some states, like Wisconsin, are already in corsomultitudinarie protests (see Washington, the site diRussia Today edition English or English ). Queigoverni, like that of Her Majesty the Queen, who squeezes the British misuredi with austerity in order to find the money needed to cover the hole deldebito U.S. public, will soon be in the eye?
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