AttilioFolliero, Caracas 12/03/2011
Viene a galla Il macrobuco del debito pubblico USA
The Dow Jones of the New York Stock Exchange, which may be considered the thermometer in the world economy, despite unacrisi frightening, like the one in place since 2008, is not collapsed. In fact, primadella crisis, the Dow Jones reached its historical high for what riguardala closing of a trading day at 14,164.53 on Oct. 9 in 2007; nelmomento peak of the crisis, 9 March 2009, the index fell to 6547.05, on that day was losing 54% of its maximum. E 'enormeovviamente a fall, but has not represented the collapse of many predicted, as in 1929, when the Dow Jones had been reduced almost 90%.
writer predicted a crash by 70% AL90%, but had also warned that the descent could be halted, albeit temporarily, thanks to government subsidies, that is, with that work which is then effettivamentesi date, and is known to history as "rescuing companies incrisi" by the U.S. government, imitated in countries ripsettivi daglialtri Western governments. According to official figures, up to now, talking about untrasferimento of public money amounting to 700 billion dollars. This figure could be as high perquanto us is always sembrata poco credibile per riuscirea frenare il crollo dell’economia USA e quindi dell’indice di Wall Street.
Oggi, arriva la conferma: due giornalisti di Bloomberg ,Marcos Pittman e Bob Ivry hannoricostruito meticolosamente la vera somma di questi trasferimenti pubblici persalvare l’economia statunitense. In sostanza, i due giornalisti assicurano che lasomma trasferita dal governo USA alle imprese in crisi è stata di 14.700 miliardi di dollari , cifrasuperiore allo stesso PIL USA del 2010 ed equivalente a quasi un terzo di tuttoil PIL mondiale. Tale somma, stando ai due giornalisti di Bloomber, sarebbeuscita dalla Federal Reserve, the U.S. central bank.
Only one kind of money could be sufficientea stop-and-repeat at the moment the financial meltdown on Wall Street. At this point a question arises. This huge flow didenaro public is not reflected in official accounts of the U.S. public debt, would be merged neiquali fact only 700 billion. But then what has grandeil U.S. public debt? The question is obviously not only affects gliUSA, but the whole world, especially the Siamese twin Western , so intimately tied to the U.S.: secrollano the U.S., the consequences will be catastrophic for the entire West.
To date official debt is approximately U.S. 14.100miliardi, if we add the figures reported by journalists diBloombrerg, we can only conclude that the debt would be close to pubblicoUSA 30 trillion dollars and accordingly tracolloeconomico the U.S. is more imminent than you think. Conflittualitàsociale and ethnic, inflation and foretold of separatism will prestonotizie twitter American rebellion?
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