UniversidadCentral of Venezuela
deHumanidades and Education Faculty
deComunicación School social
DEPARTMENT OF language arts
Course ID: 0705100048
Subject: Italian 1
academic period: 2011-01S
Prof. Attilio Folliero
elcurso Ensure that on completion of Italian 1, the student should be able to acquire basic losconocimientos allowing you to understand spoken language and express escritopudiendo so that you can understand and be understood.
In summary, the students will be able to: Introduce yourself, greet and thank, ask permission, ypreguntar that time, age, geographic location y solicitar información delugares; Conocer los días de la semana, los meses de año, las estaciones; losnúmeros y los colores; Aceptar y rechazar invitaciones, formular dudas,preferencias, obligaciones y necesidades; Hacer y responder preguntas, hablarde nacionalidades, profesión y estudios; Describir personas, animales, partes delcuerpo humano, hablar de sí mismo, de sus actitudes y habilidades; Hablar de lafamilia, describir los ambiente de su casa, las prendas de vestir; Contarhistorias y situaciones del pasado inmediato.
Contenido Gramatical
Las Italian alphabet and the sounds of Italian, the double consonants, personal pronouns, present indicative verbosessere (be) and avere (to have), The formation of the feminine and plural of losnombre and adjectives, the definite articles indeterminate; Elpresente indicative of regular verbs, simple and compound prepositions; The present indicative of some irregular verbs, such as fare, stare, dare, a few verbs of movement, andare (to go) and come (back); of losverbos servile dovere (duty), potere (power) and volere (wanting) ypronombre possessive and demonstrative adjectives, interrogative pronouns; The númeroscardinales, ordinal and Roman reflexive verbs, reciprocal intransitive; Elpresente indicative of reflexive verbs, the use of auxiliary essere Yaver in forming the compound tenses, the passato prossimo (past perfect) of the verbs essere, avere; of verbosregulares; of some irregular verbs, of some verbs of motion, verbs models servile.
Study a language means learning nosolo grammatical structures of language, culture and losaspectos also related to the language of the country that study, therefore, duranteel período de estudio, aparte de la gramática se hará referencia a variosaspectos de la cultura italiana en sus variadas expresiones (desde la músicahasta el cine, el teatro y la literatura), la historia, la geografía, elturismo, la economía, la ciencia, la política, el entretenimiento y el deporte.
Se aplicara una metodología que tienda a lacomprensión del lenguaje hablado y textos escritos, complementándose conexplicaciones de las estructuras gramaticales. Se emplearán todos losinstrumentos didácticos que puedan facilitar el proceso de aprendizaje: la lecturade capitulo de libros, diarios, periódicos, folletos y la visión enidioma film Italian student will be asked to use the Internet tecnologíarepresentada such as email, chat, video, music yotras.
Since this subject lalicenciatura embedded in social communication, it encourages students to laaplicación Italian language in their respected area of \u200b\u200binterest, whether written or audiovisual animation bbc.
Professor Attilio Folliero, Professor photos, economics and history, together with their preparation and their experiencialaboral, among other sectors of the administration elsector Italian public and communication, facilitate language learning in your country alconocimiento base in various aspects as outlined above.
Finally, Professor dela aware that the role universities can not be limited to a simple transfer of conocimientodel teacher to student, encourage and guide students still consistently critical approach to reality and study.
Duranteel study period two tests were made ongoing assessments, and a written or practical exam. The final exam consists of a pruebaescrita and oral eventual practical test could well be in the Vision of a movie and following written and oral summary of the content, the summary of a text, the chapter on unanovela of an item, an Italian newspaper or an Italian website, or ofa letter from the same teacher, in addition, may include carrying Deuna newspaper article with an interview with the character of culture, or simply mundoempresarial exponents of the Italian community in Venezuela orepresentantes Italian institutions.
Elprofesor decide the most appropriate tests according to the evolution delaprendizaje by students. Anyway seránconstantemente students tested at any time may request profesoraclarar questions or further explanation of what was studied in deconsulta hours outside of class or via the Internet.
Elprofesor aware that the study of a language requires constant unapráctica not only by the student, also a constant monitoring of student learning delnivel therefore lasevaluaciones written together in each class, learning progressively assessed by los alumnos,compatiblemente con los tiempos a disposición y el número inscritos.
Elprofesor para favorecer el aprendizaje del idioma ha abierto un espacio web ( www.folliero.eu ), de donde los estudiantespodrán bajar todas las clases, todos los argumentos; en este mismo espacioencontraran los ejercicios para la práctica y además podrán visionar algunaspelículas italianas, escuchar canciones, leer algunas novelas; podrán ver fotosy videos de las principales ciudades italiana and finally read some of losartículos written by the same teacher in the ventenal (20 years) decomunicador social activity. The teacher will encourage students to use technology and the minimum lasnuevas paper costs. Of course eventualesestudiantes do not have the possibility of continuous Internet access, will continue to make copies of all kinds.
Cronograma Italiano 1 - Primersemestre 2011
N | Fecha | Clase | |
Elementos comunicacionales | Elementos gramaticales | ||
1 | Martes 01/03/2011 | Presentation course. Way it presents and greeting | First elements of grammar. Letters of the alphabet and sound of Italian |
2 | Tuesday 08/03/2011 | Carnival Asueta | |
3 | Tuesday 15/03/2011 | 03/17/1861 to 03/17/2011: 150 Anniversary unification of Italy. Historical overview and motives that led to the unification, analysis of the current situation Belpaese | Double consonants; subject personal pronouns, present indicative of verbs to be (essere) and have (avere) |
4 | Tuesday 22/03/2011 | The family, the days of the week and the months of the year seasons. | names and adjectives; Formation of the plural; The feminine definite and indefinite articles, elision and truncation; Present indicative of regular verbs |
5 | Tuesday 29/03/2011 | numbers (cardinal, bid them and Romans), the colors. | Qualifying adjectives and numerals. Present indicative of some irregular verbs, such as fare, stare, dare |
6 | Tuesday 05/04/2011 | First evaluation | |
7 | Tuesday 12/04/2011 | The human body garments, the spaces in the house. | simple and compound prepositions, the present indicative of verbs such as Dover servile, potere and volere |
8 | Tuesday 19/04/2011 | Easter Asueta | |
9 | Tuesday 26/04/2011 | Time, age, geographic location and information of places | interrogative pronouns, present indicative of some verbs of motion, use of the forms "c'è "" ci sono ". |
10 | Tuesday 03/05/2011 | nationalities, professions and studies | possessive adjectives and pronouns, adjectives and demonstrative pronouns; and reflexive verbs, present indicative of some reflexive verbs. |
11 | Tuesday 10/05/2011 | Second Assessment | |
12 | Tuesday 17/05/2011 | Describe people, animals and things to talk about himself, his attitudes and skills | transitive and intransitive verbs, compound tenses and the use of auxiliary in their training, the perfect tense of the verbs essere and avere |
13 | Tuesday 24/05/2011 | Greetings, give thanks and ask for permission, OK and decline invitations | Adverbs of time, the perfect tense of regular verbs |
14 | Tuesday 31/05/2011 | formulate questions, preferences, needs and obligations | The passato prossimo irregular verbs, servile, and reflexive movements |
15 | Tuesday 07/06/2011 | Telling stories and present situations and immediate past. | Repeat general grammatical rules studied. End Class |
16 | Tuesday 14/06/2011 | Final Exam |
Caracas, 01/03/2011 - Prof. Attilio Folliero
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