Source: Selvas
The revolution is starting. In Egypt? In Libya? No, in the state of Wisconsin (United States ) Police has joined the long struggle for civil servants against the law that prohibits collective bargaining. Austerity, sacrifices, skeletal cows. Governor calls for return to individual contracts but ... Police participation in the protest and joined the demonstrators. Then, even the ' Idaho mimics the Wisconsin and passes laws that restrict collective bargaining. Closely followed by Indiana, Ohio and Michigan. FIAT Marchionne has done the same thing, on a scale reduced pain by winning a referendum. And losing the first set of juicy stock options . But liberal trend is this, reiterated in a number of secret conclaves of global elites. The employment relationship must be individual, as for managers.
the United States, however, we think of the governors who devise appropriate specific laws, dictated by the fact that the crisis is rampant. There is no money available, or scrape together, so the Mormon or Utah State has decided to coin money and makes the legal coinage of silver and gold at the federal level. E 'practically the hall to return to local currencies than the dollar. A naloghe laws are in fact an examination of the parliaments of twelve other countries: Colorado, Georgia, Montana, Missouri, Indiana, Iowa, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont and Washington .
The economic hurricane that rages about the U.S. is severe, serious, and you hear some of his creaking important articles and short will test the validity of the theory of Igor Panarin . The federation rimmarrà unit, is prey to centrifugal forces that will take more and more body. Indications of separatism and secession that will bring to the surface 5 macro-regions. See here
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