Monday, March 14, 2011

A Conical Pendulum Consists On

Pensum y cronograma Italian 3 - Primer

UniversidadCentral of Venezuela
deHumanidades and Education Faculty
deComunicación School social
DEPARTMENT OF language arts

Course ID: 0705100068
Subject: Italian 3
academic period: 2011-01S
Prof. Attilio Folliero



Upon completion of the course deItaliano 3, the student is not only trained to understand and hacerseentender, orally and in writing, you must also acquire the ability pararealizar comments and criticism on issues other current and proficient range of records Deuna general linguistic and sectoral branches of the Italian culture.


The "passato remote" conjugates ballast; the use of the subjunctive, the present, past, elimperfecto subjunctive and the pluperfect, the hypothetical period; Lasconjunciones; The adverb of manner; The impersonal form of the verb, the passive indirect Elestilo; undefined modes of the verb : infinitive, participle ygerundio.


methodology is applied in losniveles 1 and 2. Studying a language means learning not only estructurasgramaticales of a language, also the culture and all aspects of the country relacionadocon language being studied. So, during the periodo deestudio, junto a los aspectos gramaticales se hará referencia a varios aspectosde la sociedad italiana, a su cultura en sus variantes expresiones (desde lamúsica hasta el cine, el teatro y la literatura), la historia, la geografía, elturismo, la economía, la ciencia, la política, el entretenimiento y el deporte.

La metodología aplicada permitirá lacomprensión del lenguaje hablado y escrito, complementado con explicaciones delas estructuras gramaticales. Se emplearán todos los instrumentos didácticosque puedan facilitar el proceso de aprendizaje: la lectura de libros, dediarios y periódicos, la visión de película en idioma italiano; se invitara alalumno a utilizar las modernas tecnología representada por Internet, tales comocorreo electrónico, chat, video, música.

Tratándose de una materia insertada en uncurso de comunicación social, se estimulara al estudiante a la aplicación delidioma italiano en su respectiva área de interés, sea el periodismo escrito oanimación audiovisual.

El profesor Attilio Folliero, profesor dederecho, economía e historia, conjuntamente a su preparación y su experiencialaboral, entre otro sectors of the Italian public administration and elsector of communication, facilitated through their country elaprendizaje knowledge of the language.

Finally, the teacher aware that the university dela role not only be limited to a transfer of knowledge delprofesor the student, constantly encourage students to aprendizajecrítico of reality and study.


Duranteel study period were made intermediasescritas two screening tests or practice and a final exam. The final exam consists of a pruebaescrita and oral eventual practical test could well be: the vision Deuna film and following written and oral summary of contents, a summary of a text, unanovela chapter, an article of a Italian daily or an Italian website, or ofa letter of the same teacher, also could be unartículo conducting press interviews character with the culture, or simply mundoempresarial exponents of the Italian community in Venezuela orepreséntate institutions Italian. The teacher will decide the appropriate pruebasmás according the evolution of learning by instructional levels. In any case, students will be constantly evaluated and inany times the teacher may ask clarifying questions or additional unaexplicación studied the consultation time outside of class Ovia internet.

Elprofesor aware that the study of a language requires not only a prácticacontinua by the student, also monitors the level of student deaprendizaje therefore the evaluacionesescritas together in each class constantly evaluate the learning progress of students Bit by bit, compatibly with the times available andthe number of enrollees.


Elprofesor to promote language learning has opened a website ( ) , where students podránbajar all classes, all the arguments, in this same space encontraranlos exercises for practice and also be able to watch some películasitalianas, listen to songs, read some novels, you can see photos and videosde major Italian cities in order to read some of the artículosescritos by the same teacher in ventenal (20 years) decomunicador social activity. The teacher will encourage students to use technology and the minimum lasnuevas paper costs. Of course eventualesestudiantes do not have the possibility of continuous Internet access, will continue to make copies of all kinds.

Italiano Schedule 3 - Primersemestre 2011

Thursday 28/04/2011
communication elements
grammatical elements
Thursday 03/03/2011
Classical in Italy and their interpreters.
Summary previous year, the past tense (passato remote); verb to be and have
Thursday 10/03/2011
the Italian capital Rome, its history, the city's great monuments; Rome territory of three countries (Italy, Vatican, SMOM) and FAO headquarters
The past tense of regular verbs, servile, reflective and irregular
Thursday 17/03/2011
03/17/1861 to 03/17/2011: 150 º anniversary of unification of Italy. Historical Overview and motives that led to the unification, the current situation
The past anterior (remote trapassato)
Thursday 24/03/2011
freedom of expression in Italy: Article 21 of the constitution, the press laws, the association of journalists and other professional associations in Italy
The use of the subjunctive, the present subjunctive
Thursday 31/03/2011
Brief history of cinema and Italian music, great movies and songs immortal
The combination of the past subjunctive
Thursday 07/04/2011
First evaluation
Thursday 14 / 04/2011
Dramatic events: Seveso, Bhopal, Chernobyl ; pollution, global warming, the strikes forced the cars in Italy
the imperfect and pluperfect subjunctive
Thursday 21/04/2011
Asueta Easter
Man to the conquest of space, the China to the moon, the doubts of the conquest of the moon by the U.S.. Science and technology, oil and new energy, the experiments of Rossi and Focardi
The hypothetical period, the adverb of manner
Thursday 05/05/2011
Italian Migration, the paddle, 60 years of exchange control in Italy (1920-1980), the current economic crisis, new immigration, the mafia.
The impersonal form of the verb; el adverbio de modo y otros adverbios
Jueves 12/05/2011
Segunda evaluación
Jueves 19/05/2011
"Oro a la patria": el caso de la Italia fascista y el medio siglo de prohibición de la posesión del oro en EEUU; la deuda pública en Italia y en los demás países ricos; el dólar y las nuevas monedas
El pasivo
Thursday 26/05/2011
The bicentennial of Venezuela's recent history of Italy and Venezuela, to destabilize, 20 years of terrorism and tentative shock in Italy ..
undefined modes of the verb: infinitive, participle and gerund
Thursday 02/06/2011
Religions in Italy: catolicísimo coexistence and Islam; Where the judge Luigi Tosti and writer Luigi Cascioli
indirect style
Thursday 09/06/2011
Brief History Italian literature, from Latin to Italian writers and poets
general grammatical rules studied. End Class
Thursday 16/06/2011
Examen final

Caracas, 01/03/2011 - Prof. Attilio Folliero


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