Monday, February 21, 2011

Razer Carcharias Or Astro A40

Gadafi-Venezuela : denied the presence in Venezuela

Source: Selvas

Libya and Cyrenaica endemic separatism. Gaddafi is not in Venezuela

Italian media multiply and overlap the news, with a dramatic sequence "in crescendo" which were not supported by the rest of the European press nor from organizations such as Human Rights Watch . The TG-Rai -as-dozers s ono ye say come to the news of drain Gaddafi in Venezuela (sic).! false, but recovery from the rest of the press Atlanticist greedily, eager to kill two birds with one stone. These same sources report the presence in Venezuela is also the monarch of Bahren, leaders of Yemen and-why not-even the revived Mubarak (or its mummy?). In Libya there is an ongoing attempt to secede from Cyrenaica : third episode separatist Libyan endemic in this region conflict with Tripoli. Third time in 15 years. This time, led by Deputy Commander of the General Staff added El Arab, which link the United States and NATO. A secessionist movement that has little to do with the popular uprisings and mass-Pacific - taking place in Egypt or Tunisia. Libya is in the course of an armed uprising military units, that 'Atlanticist media hegemony-especially in Italy- trying to assimilate the wave of renewal Arab .
At the same time, absolute silence sull'estendersi popular initiative in the Kingdom of Morocco and in the Fifth Fleet headquarters Bahren-USA-mutism and the continuation of strikes in Egypt and Morocco.
But it's really too much to try to pass off a military revolt separatist per quello che assolutamente non è . Lasciamo la parola allo storico A. Del Boca intervistato da Giulietto Chiesa.

Tommaso Di Francesco , www.ilmanifesto.i t
Le notizie che arrivano parlano di un paese spaccato in due, anche l'esercito e i «comitati rivoluzionari» sarebbero divisi, la Cirenaica con le città di al Bayda, Bengasi, Tobruk is in the hands of the insurgents. The situation seems to fall and the victims are almost a hundred ...

Yes, precipitates. But as you said rightly, the country is split in two. For the Cyrenaica was already possible to predict a riot. It is not the first time it happened in 2006 for the provocation of anti-Islam "our" Minister Calderoli and it must be said that, at least in the last 15 years we are the third uprising. In 1996 fact we never knew the number of victims, only thousands were arrested, but then stepped in the Islamist insurgency against the army, air force and navy that fired Green Mountain, the only presence of mountain symbol of the hero Omar al Muhtar. Can not underestimate the influence is still strong in Cyrenaica the historic political and religious confraternity of Senoussi.

So according to you, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi does not go forward ...

No, because the same family as Gaddafi is broken in two. A division that is almost a resource.

There is a possibility that this conflict will open the doors of power to Seif al Islam, Gaddafi's son who has been working to reform the constitution and the Libyan who has treated for the release from prison of hundreds of fundamentalists?

on this would go a bit 'calmly. Speaking of children, I remember that on the one hand there are Khamis who is the head of these battalions of security, then that would be the praetorian guard of the regime, and Motassem, who was also involved in the military, both in favor of Gaddafi and his now staunch defenders, at any cost, as understood by the events of Benghazi and Beida, where there was just Khamis. On the other hand, we Seif al Islam, which in this situation did not make specific statements, but from what we know is the one who gives information about what's going on. And certainly that is the only ha fatto liberare negli ultimi mesi centinaia di integralisti islamici di Bengasi. Che aveva liberato a condizione che loro, in un certo senso, si pentissero, ammettessero il loro errore e non tornassero più a fare operazioni di carattere violento. Ripeto che in questi ultimi mesi e giorni, è l'unico che dà informazioni su quello che accade.

In questo momento il mondo occidentale, quello che ha interessi strategici fondamentali in Libia, sembra molto preoccupato. Non parliamo solo dell'Italia, con l'Eni e Finmeccanica, ma anche degli Stati uniti...

Sì, gli Stati uniti da quando hanno deciso con Bush nel 2004 che la Libia non è più uno stato canaglia, sono tornati ormai da sette anni con quattro multinazionali petrolifere ad attingere al petrolio di Tripoli. E gli interessi non sono solo per il petrolio perché i francesi hanno attivato contratti per vendere i loro aerei da combattimento, la Gran Bretagna aveva mandato Tony Blair - che con Seif al Islam risolse anche la vicenda drammatica di Lockerbie - come commesso viaggiatore d'affari. Tutti in fila per vendere forniture. Perché in Libia-Piazza Affari c'è da cambiare tutto: ci sono da costruire aeroporti nuovi, la famosa ferrovia, l'autostrada litoranea dovrà costruirla l'Italia. Come da accordo storico con il quale il governo italiano riconosce le infamie italiane colonialiste e fasciste, per avere in cambio containment - ie new concentration camps - the Maghreb and immigration desperate African interior.

About Italy. How would you rate the statements before the fall of Berlusconi and the bloody repression of the situation: "I called Gadhafi because he does not want to bother"?

is a form of cowardice. By a person who claims to be a "friend and brother," etc.. etc.. and that "he learned the bunga-bunga by him, and so on. etc.. I not only would I phoned, but meanwhile I would have asked what the situation, because his voice would be an authoritative statement. And then I asked to be gracious and try not to cause more blood. Instead "he" does not want to disturb. I do not want to bother because plus is also a coward


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